

Time for a little background on Kirsty! I had so much fun writing this, and looking through the pictures to find some of these. I love our family. 
1. Kirst is an amazing teacher and has a passion for teaching in low-income school districts. Seriously, she has a gift for it.
2. She LOVES to travel. I mean, really really loves to travel.  Top on her list right now? Croatia.

3. Kirst is a genius. Skipped 3rd grade kind of genius.
at Grove City, giving her all in 'less academic' pursuits
4. Kirst graduated from Grove City College with THREE majors (biology, psychology and Christian ministry) See? A genius!

5. She also has a master’s degree in Education from the University of Colorado.
6. She has a serious sweet tooth. Every time she visits she is amazed at the amount on candy I have lying idly around my house….and does her part to deplete the supply as much as possible.
7.Kirst is the master of couponing and budgeting. I am always amazed at the deals she finds. Did you know you get a whole year's worth of free meal coupons if you campout at a Chick-Fila the night before its grand opening? Kirst has done it twice. And once was in a freezing blizzard (the picture is of burke in the tent at one of the camp outs...the non-blizzard one, of course).

8.One of Kirst’s favorite things is when the stars perfectly align so that she has clean jammies, clean sheets, and a clean body when it is time for bed. She calls it a “heaven night”

9. Kirst’s entry into the crafting world was scrapbooking. These were great- construction paper, crazy edge scissors and awful stickers-kind of great.
10. Kirst is a great homemaker. She loves to bake, cook, host, clean. She loves it, and she’s so good at it! (she made me this cute apron!)
11. Kirst’s favorite outfit is a sundress. “One piece of clothing, no worry about matching an outfit- just accessorize and you’re out the door!” she says.
12. Kirst loves all things summer. Laying out, ice cold drinks, the beach, being hot (?) all of it. Ugh.  (By the way...notice how I am sunburned in this picture. I layed out with kirst to show her how much I love her...)
13. Kirst and Adam love to remodel. They have done it all from flipping houses to redoing bathrooms, to tiling, patios…all of it.
13. Speaking of Adam- He’s great. We first met him because his parents had moved to Colorado from Texas while he was in college- so he came to hang out with the family of this random girl he knew from school.  We loved him. They started dating shortly afterwards and he has been the perfect addition to our family.
14. And they have really adorable offspring.  I can’t wait to meet the newest little one!

15. Kirst is banned from looking at adoption websites because she is so passionate about adoption that  Adam is afraid she will spontaneously sign up to adopt a sibling set of eight or something crazy.  It is definitely in the future for their family.
16. Kirst takes after our mom in so many ways. One of those is her passion for exercising. She and mom ran a half marathon together last year!
17. And she has mom’s gorgeous skin (I’m not bitter at all)
18. Kirst is a fiercely loyal sister and friend. She is the glue that keeps all of us together and I am so grateful for her!

***You can read the other half to this post, Jordi's mini-biography, here.


  1. I love all the information about Kirst. She sounds like a beautiful woman, inside and out. I'm almost embarrassed to ask this, but I didn't understand the thing about camping out at a Chik-Fil-A thing? Camping out at one before they open - are you talking like a grand opening or what? I'm sorry - we don't even have those here, but I'm just so curious as to what you meant by it. Thanks again for the story - it was heartwarming.

  2. This was so fun to read! I have actually never met Kirst but I know I would just love her! I loved reading all this fun facts about her. Great post Jordan!

  3. So much love oozing out of this post! You two are so lucky to have each other as friends and sisters.

  4. That was a very sweet post!!! Here son is just the cutest...Hubby not bad either....LOL I love what they did to their bathroom...

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thurs. Please join me again next week for another great party.

  5. Hi girls I've only been following for a couple months since I am learning how to sew ya'lls blog and can't wait to get home daily to check it. Anywho, I was wondering that little blue sundress Kirst is wearing love there a tutorial for that? have a great night!!

  6. Kirst sounds like an awesome person. Y'all are beautiful! Love the dimples!!!

  7. Wow..... she sounds like a rock star! Brains and beauty all in one! I love that combo! What a sweet tribute to her.

    Stop by my painting blog and say hello sometime!

  8. I totally think we'd be friends by the way.
    I love Jesus.
    I am currently getting my masters in counseling, but I am a certified elementary teacher... I've thought about just teaching instead. :)
    Hubby and I LOVE Chick-fil-A! Have you noticed the free chicken sandwich offers on their receipts lately?
    And I'm also thrifty! I have a blog devoted to it -


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