
friday fun finds: little lizard king winner

Wow, love all of the creativity and goodness from last Friday, y'all! A few of our favorites:
1. Floor cushion by Living with Punks- I can't wait to make one of these for Burke's 'big boy' room!
 2. Summer date dress at Sean and Nicole- When I'm not pregnant anymore, this is the one for me... :)
3.Oversized beach bag at Maiden Jane- ummm, yes please!
4. Reversible pinafore at Made by Mama- can't wait to try this.
5. Recycled pallet bookshelf at Bumbles and Light- fabulous!

Here's your featured button, creative mavens:


And our Little Lizard King pattern giveaway winner is.... #3- Maiden Jane!  Yay for gorgeous free stuff!

Now, onto this week's party- we'd love it if you'd link up your latest and greatest Friday Fun Find- something you made, a tutorial you put together (or tried out!), a product the rest of us need, a scrumptious recipe- whatever you're loving this week!
A few guidelines:
1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from you blog.



  1. The projects last week were amazing...I got so many good ideas!

    Ooh, and I made the Mother's Day Card and my Mom loved it! Thanks for the idea. :)

  2. Thanks so much for loving my reversible pinafore! I truly appreciate it! I recently stumbled upon your blog and seriously check it twice a day :) Keep up the fantastic work!

  3. I'm thrilled that you featured my oversized beach bag! Thanks so much!

  4. So . . . somehow my link for homemade gum posted twice sorry about that! Thanks for the linky party!

  5. So sorry, I didn't mean to post twice. I was trying to edit my image and thought I had deleted my entry. My mistake. I am also having trouble getting your logo on my typepad blog. I will try again.

  6. Thanks for letting me know about your link party!

  7. Your blog is beautiful, creative and I LOVE it! Thanks for hosting this awesome party--so glad I found your blog ;)

    happy crafting!



We LOVE hearing from you- thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

If you are asking a question, PLEASE be sure your e-mail is either in your comment or linked to your profile so we can get back to you!