
garland garland garland

Since I already mentioned our summer passion for garland-as-party-decor, I thought I'd show y'all a few of the easy strings-of-goodness that we've been whipping up (with directions for making your own, of course!).
Felt Circles Garland- Just cut out a pile of felt circles and run them one after another under the sewing machine.  Simple and fabulous!
Message Buntings- Patterned paper (cut into large triangles) plus letters (printed out and punched into a circle shape or cut out to stand alone) spell happy messages!
Lovely Letters- Inspired by Annalea at Our Hartbeat, I made "RUMPUS" letter garlands for Burke's Wild Things party.  I love the way the cheery patterned paper adds a feel of festivity... perfect for a party!
Mini Fabric Bunting Garland- Using your mini-est fabric scraps, cut out tiny triangles (you can either make a template so that they're all the exact same size or eyeball it for a less uniform look).  Line them up one after another and run through the sewing machine.  You can either stitch fabric over the tops or just use the thread as your line.
Mini Paper Bunting Garland- Same process as with fabric triangles, but using paper scraps instead... These pair wonderfully with the "message buntings" and the "lovely letters" because you get to coordinate the paper and use up your little scraps.
And a sneak peak at something we're whipping up for Kedron's baby shower- Jersey Ruffle Puff Garland... full tutorial (and pictures of it in use) to come!


  1. Great ideas for garland! My daughter turns 6 in July and I am gathering ideas for her party, so this is great, thanks!

  2. Oh I love the letter bunting!

  3. can there ever be enough garlands? i mean seriously.

    love yours - i am inspired.

    thanks for the link-up.


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