
our world this week: belly shots

While I was in Denver, we grabbed a couple of props (a "G" and some baby booties) and headed down the street to some stone and brick walls (and, incidentally, an empty field) to take some pregnancy pictures of Kirst.  She loves the ones with the "G"- I'd definitely recommend bringing a prop or two as you head out to take pictures!


  1. What a beautiful pregnant woman you are?

  2. Wow, very beautiful! Is that a maternity skirt? I love it!

  3. so pretty! you make a great pregnant lady. :)

  4. so cute! makes me want to be pregnant again :) but I never look as cute as she does, and I think 3 is our limit!

  5. These are just beautiful pictures. I love them all. What treasures for later on too. You are one beautiful pregnant lady!


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