
our world this week: more piper

I got to take some pictures of sweet Piper, just a few days old.  Here are a couple of tips for taking pictures of newborn babies:

First- bring accessories and props! Nothing is sweeter than a little baby girl in a bow or a baby boy in a hat. Plus, how long can you really put a baby in a basket or a bin? Not that long! :)

Second- newborns are so sweet and angelic when asleep and SO much easier to photograph. They don't have control of their little hands and their eyes cross alot, so a sleeping angel is easier to take pictures of (and the pictures turn out so sweet)!

On to the goodness of Piper Jane at 5 days old:


  1. So precious! I love the one of both kids. :o)

  2. These pictures are wonderful! So cute!

  3. Oh my word darling. She is just darling. Love these pictures.

  4. SO adorable! What wonderful pictures. =)

  5. so sweet! they are always so precious looking while sleeping. :) Even when they get older!

  6. Hi I have been fallowing your blog quite some time and I really like it. I had my very first baby in june. and Congrats on yours. She is soo sweet. and I LOVED the pictures.

  7. she is so gorgeous! great pics jordan!! and i totally had that baby carriage and avery plays with it at my parents house still! so cool!


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