
friday fun finds

Friday Fun Finds is such bad news for me lately, y'all. The goodness lures me right in and, next thing I know, Burke has gotten ahold of a stash of markers and colored on the laundry room door or Piper Jane ends up eating for an hour (yep, I do all of my computer stuff while I feed her currently). It's because you guys are so darn creative!

Just a sampling of last week's goodness:
Y'all know that Adam is in dental school... and I just couldn't resist this owl tooth pillow by Pony Tails and Fish Scales!
Little Miss Momma has done it again- this pumpkin vase is FABULOUS! Wouldn't this be cute at a fall baby/bridal shower?
This owl shirt at waking lucia makes me long for a Yudu screen printer... isn't it fantastic?
Love this tutu tutorial at The Real Life Mom- there are so many Halloween costumes that could benefit from a little tutu love!
Two words for these darling shoes by posh pilar- yes please!

Here's your featured button, crafty friends:

We can't wait to see your latest and greatest craftiness- something you made, a tutorial you put together (or tried out!), a product the rest of us need, a scrumptious recipe- whatever you're loving this week!
A few guidelines:
1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from your blog.


  1. I have 3 little ones and my only computer time is when I nursing the baby too!

  2. Thanks for hosting again. All the features are great. I love that owl tooth pillow.

  3. First time linking up with you today! Thanks for hosting!

  4. Thanks for hosting! It's so fun to see all the creativeness out there!

  5. My Alie has recently decided to stop napping. All my computer time is now during Dora and Ni Hao Ki Lan!!

    Thanks for hosting! :)

  6. Oh my goodness! I just was able to see this today (I work nights..yuck!) Thank you for the feature! I love this site and check back all the time so it was awesome to see some of my work on here! And I know how it goes with little only computer time is when my little lady is napping or my husband is home! Thanks again.


We LOVE hearing from you- thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

If you are asking a question, PLEASE be sure your e-mail is either in your comment or linked to your profile so we can get back to you!