
coming soon...

We hope y'all had a fantastic Christmas yesterday! We're together in Denver (so fun!), waiting for our littlest sister and her family to arrive before we have our "big family Christmas" tomorrow. This will be Christmas Round 3 for Burke, Keadryn and Sayla- lucky weasels. And we love it when we have Christmas together because with our powers combined, the table decor is one big display of themed, coordinated goodness (we'll take some pictures for y'all!).

A couple of exciting announcements-
1- Come New Year's Day, the I Heart New Years Challenge will be back and better than ever (with similar, but not exactly the same, daily challenges).

If you weren't around last January, allow me to elaborate- I Heart New Years is a week long challenge, a way for us to tackle a few organizational projects, do some cleaning, use our newly organized supplies, make some plans for the new year, share our progress with each other and (new this year!) WIN PRIZES.

Some Oh So Fabulous etsy shoppe owners have offered 2011 Planners and Organizers as prizes to help y'all stay organized after the challenge is over... check 'em out!

Plan It Planners (they'll be giving away three! different planners to lucky challenge participants!)

2- Starting in a couple weeks, we're joining some seriously talented designers for a spin-off of Project Runway called Project Run and Play. If you'll peruse the bio's of the other competitors, you'll probably wonder how we ended up in this competition... we wonder that too, actually. :) With such talented sew-ists in the mix, we don't expect to make it past week 1, but we're excited to be a part of it!

3- We're taking this next week off to hang out with our family. Our mom, dad, siblings and their families will all be here and we have ornament-exchanging, family-drink-competitioning, game-playing, movie-watching, kid-chasing, Denver-exploring all on the docket. We have some posts scheduled for y'all, but won't be on the computer much this week. We hope your last week of 2010 is just glorious!


  1. I'm looking forward to the challenge next year (and the prizes!)
    I love the idea of all working together and encourageing each other!

    I just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I've really enjoyed reading your blog throughout the year. Thanks for all your effort you make to put up fun and informative posts!

  2. so glad you girls are taking a break! love you both! enjoy time with the family!!

  3. Just wanted to say Happy Christmas and have a great new year – I’ve really enjoyed your blog this year! Look forward to 2011!


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