
decking the halls

It started with a picture of a wreath made from felted sweaters (at recover girl, I believe, but I can not find the page for the life of me... anyone?).

And then these.

A little cutting, a little threading, a little bow making...

And then this!

How about you? Are you still decking the halls at your house?


  1. This is so pretty! My halls are decked and my sewing machine has been humming away finishing Christmas presents. I can't believe Christmas is almost here! Hope you and your family have a very merry one :)

  2. I love LOVE this! It's so different than anything else I've seen this year. So bright and fun!

  3. gosh! that is just gorgeous! i always love a project that will use up pretty scraps!


  4. That's great!!
    What's the good idea for it....

    I like it. =)

  5. Oh my! I LOVE this! All of the colors are fun too. Did you just attach them to a hanger?

  6. So cute! I love this! Great job ladies :) And congratulations on winning SYTYC!!!!!!

  7. This is really lovely, especially on your fantastic red door! I"m a fan of felted wool--time to pull out my scraps.


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