
kojotutorial: anthropologie inspired knotted bedding part 1 (making the knotted squares)

Our quilt won the SYTYC finale! Wow! I kind of can't believe it. Thank you for voting... And actually, thanks to Missy for hosting. I've been wanting to make this knotted quilt for awhile, but making it to the SYTYC finale was the motivation I'd needed to actually sit down and put it together.
Y'all have been too funny about this bedding- thanks for all of your emails and comments and kind words. It sounds like you're all ready to make your own as well- want to get started on that?

I should issue a warning up front that this endeavor is definitely time consuming... not difficult, per se, but time consuming for sure. That being said, today's tutorial is for the how to make the pile of knotted squares that will make up your 'quilt.'

To make the squares for the knotted 'quilt,' you'll need:
-18"x18" squares of jersey (I used 56 of these for my king sized quilt)... I got the jersey from two flat king sized sheets and a pile of white t-shirts.
-a 6" plate
-a fabric pen
-needle and embroidery thread that coordinates with your jerse

*A tip before you start. Make the knotted squares assembly line style. Do all of your cutting, then all of your tracing, then all of your gathering, etc. It'll make this move a little more quickly.

1. Cut out your 18"x18" jersey squares. I used two flat t-shirt sheets and a stack of white t-shirts for my jersey. I cut out a sample square, labeled it as such with my fabric pen and then used it as a template to cut around for all of my other squares. One note- with all of the gathering that comes later, the 18"x18" can be approximate- don't worry about making perfectly uniform squares.
2. Center your 6" plate in the middle of your square. Trace with a fabric pen. Repeat (and repeat and repeat).
3. Using embroidery thread, stitch inside the perimeter of your traced circle. Use very long stitches.
 4. Pull your thread taut, resulting in a little pooch of fabric. Don't remove your needle or tie off your thread yet.

5. This next part is a bit tricky to explain, but I tried to get good pictures. You might even find a better way (if so, let me know!) to make the knots.
This is what I did- I pulled the pooch of fabric to a point, Then, I poked down through the top center until the point was back down through the pulled-taut circle of thread.
Then I twisted the whole poked-down mess until it looked knot-like.
Then I secured the fabric with a stitch through the poked down point.
I continued to run the needle back and forth through the 'knot' until it seemed secure (usually three or four stitches through the middle of the 'knot').
6. Repeat and repeat and repeat. Fifty six times if you're making a king sized quilt like I was.
Stay tuned for part 2- assembling your 'quilt.'

ps- I know that many of you out there are actual, legit quilters. I'm sorry if calling this bedding a 'quilt' is offensive to you. It's rows of squares, and I used a bunch of quilting techniques when I was assembling it (which, since I've never made a quilt before, I found tutorials for online- haha!). But I am definitely not a quilter and am probably butchering both the vocab and the techniques. Go easy on me, ok? :)

ppss- This feels a little full-circle-ish, but I'm entering the quilt in Mommy by day... Crafter by night's So You Think You Can Sew auditions. Fingers crossed that I make it into the Top 12!


  1. really beautiful, love the white and the texture. I bet it's snuggly warm too!

  2. Once Again, congrats! It's been fun competing against you!!

    I have been waiting for this tutorial - can't wait to try it out for my own comforter!!

  3. I now have a New Year's resolution for 2011...make this quilt!! Can't wait to see the rest of the tutorial!

  4. that is freaking adorable. i'm new to sewing too, but this doesn't seem all that scary now that you've explained it. great job.

  5. YAY!!! I'm soooo glad you won. You definately deserved it!!! This quilt is awesome!!!!! As soon as we get through Christmas this is going to be my first project. Unless I get everything done early (not couting on that since I am usually finishing up on Christmas Eve). Thank you sooo much forsharing the tutorial with us!!!!!

  6. Oh my gosh! This is gorgeous! AND, you're so silly, how dare anyone think of calling you out on the "quilt" thing, you did a fantastic job!

  7. This is so awesome! It looks like something that could easily keep me occupied on the 10 hour drive to my in-laws for Christmas... And my husband definitely loves it! Now we are just keeping our eyes open for clearance flat sheets! And I only have to make it for a queen size bed!

  8. You are so wonderful to share this with us all! So creative. It turned out just like Anthro's! Looks like I have a project for winter break now. :)

  9. I just love how elegant this looks! It's like sleeping in a ballroom :)

  10. This is so gorgeous and I can totally see this on my bed, but sadly I don't think I have the patience to try this out in a king-size. Maybe I could try it on a smaller scale...

  11. Wow, that is freaking amazing! Congratulations!!! That is so elegant, thanks for sharing the tutorial

  12. That is so BEAUTIFUL! I love it--what an incredible bedspread!

  13. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [12 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  14. This is absolutely gorgeous. You did an amazing job.

  15. how amazing is that?? wow! i am impressed with your dedication. i love white bedding and this takes white "boring" bedding to the next level with all the dimension and lovliness!

  16. BEAUTIFUL!!! So thankful for this tutorial!!! New bedding on the agenda for 2011!!!

  17. That is beautiful! I don't quilt, nor have I ever had any desire to do so... but I sure do want to give this a try someday. If I ever get brave enough, that is. Because I have a king sized bed too... LOL!

  18. That's awesome! I think I'll try this in the spring. Thank you!

  19. @KatrinkaJane
    I washed the 'top' part (the pieced squares) before I sewed it to the duvet, and then I washed the hole thing when I finished. I don't intend to wah it often, but it seems to do ok in the wash when I need to. :)

  20. How many squares would you need to make for a queen size? Love this!

  21. I'm awestruck! Wondering if any other type of fabric would work? Any particular reason why you used knit? And yes, I too am wondering how many squares it might take for a queen size one? Thank you for the inspiration!

  22. @Edna
    Hey Edna! We used jersey because we were trying to replicate the jersey one at Anthropologie... and I'm a sucker for soft. :) I think you could probably try other types of fabric with similar results, though.
    Also, no idea on the number of squares needed for a queen. The finished squares are about a 12"x12", but because of all of the gathering, you could have less pleats to make the finished size a bit bigger or more pleats for smaller.
    Definitely let me know if you try it and find the answer! :)

  23. Oh gosh. I can't tell you how much I am in love with this. I have been waiting for the tute since you won. I sincerely hope to make one myself here soon!

  24. o my goodness!!! this is fan tas tic!!! I long for white bedding. Two year old son? No go. But this would look amazing in chocolate brown for winter. Must say i so don't have the guts for a full size. But when I have my next baby (hopefully a girl!) I am going to make one in mini size!! in pink..... think i might have to make a baby first!!! ooooohhh and imagine one in forest green for the couch!! would you make me one?

  25. Breathtaking!! Awesome! I want one!

  26. So cool! I wish I could sew :)

  27. I really love this! Thanks so much for the tutorial. I'll have to find time to make this. I also shared the link on our Facebook page:

  28. Beautiful job. Such patience!

    I will be featuring your project Monday on

  29. I've been trying to figure out how to recreate one of these! Thanks for showing me it can be done!

  30. Please allow me to thank you for showing this tutorial. I saw this duvet in a Country Living Magazine this past summer and fell in love with it instantly. I found your tutorial and then lost it, but thank goodness I found it again. I'm linking it to my blog, hope you don't mind.

  31. i just made myself a couple of throw pillows using this amazing tutorial and they turned out amazing! i used a black velveteen and made an envelope opening on the backside. i plan to tackle the king quilt sometime... THANK YOU!!

  32. I love this Duvet. I have been looking for white bedding for about a year and the instant i saw it I LOVED it. SO guess what i am making this week. I am actually doing it out of a white heavy muslin. so we shall see how it goes.

  33. wow. got here from bromeliad, and i am inspired and speechless.

  34. Oh my goodness I love LOVE LOVE this!! I wonder if you could use other kind of fabric to make this. Would the fabric have to have give do you think for it to work and look right?

    I so want to try this and this would be perfect for my bedroom!

    bee blessed

  35. Thank you so much for time and effort taken to make this tutorial. Will try and make some cushion covers using this technique.

  36. Wow, wow, and wow, again. This is amazing. I'm stopping over from DYI. It's been awhile since I've been over here - Hi girls! Do you answer the question in Part 2 - Is it heavy? Blessings, Kim

  37. This looks AMAZING!!! And super easy! Awesome project, I'm so inspired ;)

  38. I am a quilter and to answer your question, Yes, this is a quilt. An amazing quilt at that! I found your tut via:
    it is listed as 1 of the "100 Top Tutorials of 2010".
    Congrats! Sure glad I found your blog and now can't wait to see what you come up with next.

    p.s. I do see this quilt in my very near future. I love it.

    p.s.s. Can I post a link on my blog to this tut?

  39. I LOVE you!!! I saw a picture of this duvet cover a week or two ago and was so crazy for it I was going to try and figure out how to make it. And then I find this!

    Yayyy!! :D Looks perfect!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I saw this quilt on the Anthropology website earlier this week and LOVED it, the price...not so much. I figured it would be somthing I could make and then...taaadaaa! I found your website! I am starting today and as a way to make the proces a little quicker, I used a sheet of cardboard to make the square template, I then cut out the circle in the center, that way I could mark my squares with the circles in one pass :)

  42. Holy moly! Nice job, I can't believe you made that, it looks amazing!

  43. Congratulations. This is so beautiful. I dragged my mom over to come and see it. She's both a seamstress and a quilter and she said kudos to you because this was A LOT of work.

  44. This is beautiful and I LOVE that you're sharing the how-to! This is my first visit to your blog (found you via @blessedlife2 on twitter) and I've just become a follower. Can't wait to see the assembly! Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful project. :)

  45. I love it, absolutely beautiful. Been wanting to do a quilt.

  46. That is just gorgeous!! I think I'm going to do it!

  47. You can call it whatever you want to...quilt, coverlet, spread! It doesn't matter, it is knock -down gorgeous !!
    Carol in GA

  48. Ummm...I am SO making this. I have got to get off the internet I am getting creativity overload!!!!

  49. I love it! You are very clever, indeed! I would love to give this a go, myself. You have inspired my next project. So happy to have found your blog, via TLC. x Marnie from Australia

  50. Wow! How gorgeous is that?? Reminds me a little bit of an incomplete old pillow top I salvaged. Its done much the same way except, of course, on a smaller scale. Very Lovely!!

  51. Absolutely Gorgeous! I saw this months ago in an ad and wanted it...the price scared me off! This definitely qualifies as a quilt! Great Job! I MUST try this!

  52. I am in loooove with this duvet. My bed definately needs a revamp yesterday and I have had my eye out for a DIY duvet and this one makes my heart flutter! It seems like a lot of work but the payoff is priceless. Thanks to the other commenters about making throw pillows, throws and the awesome idea of making one for my daughters soon to be toddler bed. Thanks a MILLION! Can't wait to get started!

  53. I am so happy you put up the instructions on how to make this awesome duvet cover!! I just fell in love with the navy blue on on anthro and now I can make my own instead and save a ton of money!! I just wanted to also tell you that I am a recent follower because I love your blog and I also linked this page and step 2 page to my blog!

  54. I fell in love with your bedding a few months ago and I just finished my version. Thank you for being so creative and amazing. I hope it is ok that I linked up to your projects on my family blog.

  55. this is so cute! the knotting gives it so much luscious texture and it makes the bed so cozy looking and inviting. I am your newest follower.

  56. I finally finished mine! Thanks again for the great tutorial. You can see it here.

  57. Great job! I love how it came out! Maybe this will motivate me to get my sewing machine fixed!! :)

  58. Oh so glad I found this! Great tutorial and I linked it to my bedding project post too, well done!

  59. this is the most amazing thing ever! i'm currently in the midst of finishing this project and if you're someone doubtful wanting to try this, here's why you should:
    1.)it's easy...time consuming, but easy
    2.)you save roughly $250
    3.)it's a fun project
    4.)the payoff is SO worth the effort
    5.)the sewing is easy as pie (i don't even sew!)

    oh, and a tip for the rosette making in part 1- push all of the pooch fabric out and then poke in the middle with your pinkie. take the little fold of fabric you created and sew it down. go back and re-adjust the rosette till it looks like you want it to!

    -Gracie Beal at

  60. Hey --its Cheri from Its So Very Cheri--great job. It is beautiful.

    One of our TOP 10 contest entries at made one and gave kudus to you. I had to come over and see the original.

    You gals need to enter the competition. We have a super fun competition coming up all summer long.

  61. My friend and I each started making this bedding last week. She has her squares all cut and half stitched. I have all but 10 squares cut (second set of sheets is in the drier) and I have stitched three. It is a big undertaking but it is going to be well worth it. Thankfully my friend is a sewing/quilting queen so hopefully that part will go smoother for me--I had to look up online the start and finish knots. . .so sad. THANK YOU for the awesome tutorial.

  62. i seriously think you are two beautiful people for giving me this tutorial. i have been searching and searching for something fabulous and i guess i'm just THAT picky. or cheap. whatever.

    this is awesome and now i can't wait for my mom to come show me how to use her sewing machine.

    ugh, awesome!!

  63. Question: when you make the knotted part of the square (the pooch), is the finished knotted square supposed to have the circle you drew on top or underneath? Meaning, do you push the gathered fabric through the stitching to the other side or just manipulate it on the same side to make it look like a knot? :) BTW, the quilt/duvet looks amazing,and I love the tutorial! Thanks so much for pulling this together. I can't wait to make one myself! :)

  64. How many squares would you need to use to make it a queen sized quilt? I only have a full sized bed and a queen duvet will fit it.

    I'd really appreciate any input on this! I love this quilt!

  65. This. Is. Stunning! I love it! Fabulous job! And really, your "knock off" looks better than the original! Awesome, awesome, awesome job!

  66. Gorgeous! I can't wait to try this out. Thank you so much for the how-to details!

  67. I have been in love with this forever and I am so excited to finally get started on mine soon. I featured you on my this week's pinterst loves #5 on my blog and would love for you to stop by say hi and grab a button. I will for sure send you pics when I get mine done in BROWN!

    A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

  68. where did you get the fabric for the pillows?

  69. Absolutely breathtaking! I've been toying with the idea of making a duvet cover like this. Your tutorial is awesome. I'm bookmarking this right now! I dabble in a little bit of quilting and don't see a problem with calling this a quilt. You do have to piece the squares together!

  70. I'm a "legit" quilter & this is one of the prettiest things I've seen. Gonna make myself one SOON!

  71. I did it! i made the quilt!!

    thank you so much for your amazing directions! i couldn't have done it without you.

  72. I found this tutorial on tip junkie while looking for Christmas present ideas. I LOVE this duvet. I've been wanting to make bedding change for months. I like the white look, but with two all black Newfoundlands, white is not a good choice in our house. But you can bet, I'll be on the lookout for a nice darker color to make this! Can't wait.

  73. I love this quilt at Anthropologie and you did a fantastic job! I am going to make one. You make it so simple and gorgeous! I am a quilter and I take no offense at all and you were perfectly fine with your terminology and it turned our beautiful! I look at quilting as an art form and you certainly perfected it here. Thanks for sharing!

    Paris @

  74. This is so great! I think a new project I will be starting in 2012 for our king size bed will be this quilt/duvet.

    How many yards would you say you used? I know you said you purchased sheets… but just trying to put in yardage terms. Thanks!

  75. This is so great! I think a new project I will be starting in 2012 for our king size bed will be this quilt/duvet.

    How many yards would you say you used? I know you said you purchased sheets… but just trying to put in yardage terms. Thanks!

  76. @Rae
    Hey Rae! It depends on the width of your fabric. Each square is 18" wide, so if you can get three squares across, you'll be in way better shape than just two.
    I made 56 squares... so once you know the width of your fabric (how many you can fit across), you can calculate your yardage. If your fabric is 54" or more wide, you'll get six squares from every yard. If it's less than 54", you'll get 4 squares per yard. :)
    Hope that helps! Can't wait to see your finished quilt!

  77. I love it!!! Im going to try to make this!!! I'm new to the whole sewing thing so will see how it goes!! :)

  78. OMG!! I love it!!! I can't wait to try to make it!!! I'm new at sewing so will see how it goes!!! :P

  79. Please tell me where you got this amazing bed from?

  80. I found this gorgeous bedding you made through pinterest. WOW! It is really beautiful. I would love to have something like this in my guest bedroom but I'm just not sure I have the patience it would take for me to spend the time it would take to make this. The texture of this is just so pretty. Congrats on the win & thank you for sharing the tutorial!


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