
kojotutorial: a rainbow of adjustable little leggies

Winter in Denver is all over the map. One week it's snowy, blustery and 'Colorado-y' and the next week it's 70 degrees (literally, that describes our last couple of weeks- haha!). It's great for a cold weather wuss like me because I always know that the cold won't stay, but terrible for wardrobe planning. Let's just say that at all times, we each have a whole range of layering options in our closets (and in my diaper bag).
Lately, I've loved adding little 'leggies' to all of Piper Jane's ensembles. They're cute as can be, keep her warm in the cold, and are super easy to take off if the weather pendulum swings over the course of a few hours instead of a few days.

Even better, these leggies are made from knee-high socks, so I made her a whole rainbow of options without breaking the bank (Target has a terrific selection of socks for a couple bucks a pair).

And best of all, they're adjustable- meaning I did add a hem, but left room/fabric for growth. That way, as Piper Jane's little legs get bigger, I can just modify the leggies I already made her, instead of re-buying and re-making new ones in every size.

Want to make a pair or two yourself? You'll need:
-a pair of knee high socks
-sewing machine and supplies
-elastic (optional, but probably a good idea if you're making these for a teeny baby girl)

1. Cut the feet off of the socks, leaving a long tube of printed fabric intact.

2. Hold the tube up to your little one's leg to estimate the length that'll look best (for warmth, make them to cover her whole leg- ankle to thigh). Fold the excess back into the tube.
3. Stitch around the perimeter of the top of the folded edge. You can make this into an elastic casing (just leave a little space to thread elastic through the top edge) or treat this as the hem. If you're making these for a newborn, I'd suggest adding elastic and using the hemmed, elastic edge as the top of the leggie (the elastic will cinch in to help them stay up). As soon as you pass the 6 month mark (maybe sooner), the top of the knee high can function as the top edge and you'll only need a hem on the other edge- no elastic necessary.

4. As she grows, seam rip your hem out, unfold a bit of the fabric that you've saved and tucked in, and re-hem to add a little length. The stretchy sock is pretty forgiving, re-absorbing the former hem without it being noticeable.

5. Voila- a virtual rainbow of adjustable leggies for any swinging weather pendulums near you.


  1. Those are awesome!! I'm definitely making some of those for my little one!

  2. I love those. The patterns are so cute and they're perfect for unpredictable spring weather.

  3. These are the cutest little things I have ever seen! I posted on Facebook:)

  4. those socks just must scream "craft me!" - because I did too:

  5. Well now I know my next project! So stinkin' cute! Thanks so much for sharing! : )

  6. You always come up with the cutest things!!! =)

  7. I am a long time reader, first time commenter...
    I LOVE your blog, thanks for the work you put into it!

    We just had our first daughter after 3 boys, and I am loving creating girl things, and wanted to make some of these. I wanted to make sure I understood what you were saying about the top hem. Are you planning on taking the elastic out, once piper gets bigger, and having just the hem hold it in place?

    Thanks again!

  8. these are adorable! I made some like them for Sadie when she started crawling to protect her little knees. I love the socks you got!

  9. Lovely! My daughter is 3 and she still wears her leg warmers I made her when she was a baby. Sometimes she even wears them to bed with her night gowns.

  10. These are absolutely adorable! Right now I am looking for sturdy but inexpensive oneseis to make the stripy dress and these leggings for a friend who just had a baby girl. Do you have any idea as to how old of a child these might fit? Lets say a child of "average size"...
    Thank you so very much!

    Did you get these the clearance socks at Target? I noticed they have a ton right now!!

  11. Ok, this cuteness is REALLY not helping my baby fever... specifically GIRL baby fever! lol

  12. Thank you so much for posting these- I was going to go out tomorrow & buy the Baby Legs ones!! Now i can save some cash! LOVE your blog!

  13. What a lucky little girl...and adorable one! have a momma like you! I am happy to have boys but part of me wishes I could have a girl so I could dote on her and make her things like these adorable leggings.

  14. I love it! Now I just need another baby to wear them!! :( Great tutorial!

  15. Seriously I am so grateful for this site! These are SO adorable and I've been dying to make/buy some for my baby on the way. Now I know how! Thank you!

  16. For smaller legs use little girl knee highes they are smaller.

  17. Thanks so much for this post! I made several for my daughter. I noticed that if you cut the socks at the appropriate place you can have little half socks for yourself! I just ran a quick seam around the part I cut off and there is absolutely no waste!

  18. These are fantastic! I just made some last night, but all of the hems came out stretched and funny-looking. I wonder what I'm doing wrong?... Maybe my slim-arm is too thick and is stretching it out too much while I sew? Did you use a long straight stitch for the hem?

  19. @Fay
    Hey Fay! I love it that you made some of these!
    I made these awhile ago, but I don't remember stretching as I went at all, just kind of sewing on top of the fabric (if that makes sense). I imagine that if it was stretching out that there would be some wonky-ness.
    And, yep, I used a long straight stitch.
    Hope that helps! Let me know if you find the cause and I'll add it as a word of caution to the post. :)


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