
perfect sprinkles

I'm kind of a late bloomer. I had my first kiss YEARS after pretty much every one of my friends. In adult life, this translates into a whole treasure trove of perfectly fabulous discoveries that I stumble across after everyone else already has them down pat. So there's a good chance that you already know how to get a perfect layer of sprinkles on your cupcakes... but if you don't, I've got the goods for you-
Pour a layer of sprinkles into a shallow container (or if you just buy the sprinkles from the Target dollar bin, they already come in perfectly sized containers).
Frost your cupcake- it doesn't have to be pretty, sprinkles cover a multitude of sins here.
Turn the cupcake upside down and dip in the sprinkles. Roll around to ensure full coverage.

Voila! Perfectly sprinkled cupcakes, no mess on the counter, fabulous all around.

ps- If there are things that I mention doing the hard way and you know the easy way, help a sista out, ok?


  1. This seems like such a no brainer, but I have never thought of it.

  2. I've never wanted to eat a cupcake so bad. Those look heavenly. I think i'll have to try

  3. not sending me a cupcake? the wrong way.

  4. Now I'm going to have to make some cupcakes just to have ago!! I normally just shake the sprinkles over the top, which results in more on the kitchen floor than on any cupcake!

  5. Love it!! I could so see those going to school with the kids!!

  6. I want a cupcake so bad right now.

  7. I never thought of doing this. Such a no brainer! I think this would work great for cookies too.

  8. Gracious, that cupcake looks yummy! Thanks for the tip!


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