

Most of you probably saw this, but we got kicked off of Project Run and Play last week with our Vintage Vail entry. Bummer!

We're still kind of baffled to have been included in such a rock star lineup of designers- what an honor. And, to be honest, it's a bit of a relief not to be sewing and photographing this week (especially with the arrival of Baby Evie and us having the chance to be together!).

Just thought I'd leave you with a pic of the oh so sweet Evie (you should see the backdrop we put together for Evie's newborn pics- I'll put together a post soon!)-


  1. Bummer to see you go! Love that baby!!

  2. I LOVED your Vintage Vail look, especially being the mom of a little boy. I always appreciate the boy designs! I am SO bummed that this was the look that lost... I guess most people out there are sewing for girls?? Because this was darling, creative... Well, I could go on and on. Congrats for making it this far!

  3. I LOVED your Vintage Vail look, especially being the mom of a little boy. I always appreciate the boy designs! I am SO bummed that this was the look that lost... I guess most people out there are sewing for girls?? Because this was darling, creative... Well, I could go on and on. Congrats for making it this far!

  4. you did so great! vintage vail was adorable and i love that you took on a boy look.

  5. I loved your vintage vail look!

    That picture of Evie is just breath taking. Oh she is so beautiful. I cannot wait to see more of the pictures you have taken. Your photography is beautiful. I am glad you are having fun all together.

  6. so sad to see you go, definitely one of my favorites in the line up!

    I would love to see a tutorial of photography from you - you always have such amazing pictures - I am amazed every time!

    Your baby is just gorgeous :)


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