
guest tutorial from country chic cottage- spring wreath

*Scroll down for this week's Friday Fun Finds party!
We met today's guest through So You Think You're Crafty... Angie is one of the sweetest, most genuine, most encouraging people we know and we are so thankful that she's our friend. Not only is she fantastic, she does a great knock off, loves all things vintage and repurposes like a pro! We're so excited she's sharing a tutorial here today!

Hello all!!  I am Angie with The Country Chic Cottage.  I am so happy to be here on kojodesigns!!  Aren't Kirstin and Jordan the best???

I had to decide what to make for my destash project...and a spring wreath sounded like a good idea. 
Ca-ute right??  What to make it out of that I already had on hand??  Coffee filters of course!  And the surprise coloring!  Yes dig it out from your cabinet! 
I used an entire container of 100 coffee filters for my wreath.  Get some water in a bowl and add the desired food coloring.  I started with just red.  Dip the end of your coffee fiter in like so...
The water sort of wicks up and colors the entire filter.  I set mine on a baking sheet to dry.
And I did not divide up my filters evenly.  This looked like enough of this pink color so I went on to the next color...
Next was green using the same method...
I used the same baking sheet for all my colors and put a sheet of paper between each one.  They did sort of bleed through a little.  But the wreath turned out great so I would not worry about it if I was you!
Next came a purple-ish color.  Red and blue make purple! :)
When you mix two different food colorings you can kind of see each color on the coffee filter....see the blue-ish tint on the tops of them.  I thought that was extra cool!
Then I did a green-ish yellow for my last color.
Now to attach them to your wreath form.  I have standard wreath forms that I have covered in strips of white cotton material.  This makes it extra easy to just rip everything off when you are ready for a change and re-use the form.  I took each coffee filter and put the eraser end of a pencil down in it.  
Put on some hot glue and started attaching.  One row like this....
Then the next row like this...I just randomly put on the colors.  No rhyme or reason.
Then the inside row.
And the last row right on top.  Then any extra filters I used to fill in any gaps.....
It looks mighty full now don't ya think??
I love the mix of colors, the fullness, the spring-y look to it, seriously everything!
I waited til the very end to put a loop of ribbon on the back for may want to do that step first! :)  
Now my door has a gorgeous touch of spring...all with items I already had on hand around the house...
Break out your coffee filters and food dye! Come by and visit me at The Country Chic Cottage anytime! We would love to have ya! :)
Thanks K and J!!

Go say hi to Angie! We are certain you'll love her like we do!

And since we're teaming up with Angie for One Month To Win It, this seems like a good time to tell y'all that auditions for Season 2 are now open at Sugar Bee Craft Edition! Go enter a project for a chance to compete in Season 2!


  1. I loooooooooove this idea for a spring wreath! I have a double door entry so since i need to make 2 I try to find ones that is simple and I really like this. And the tutorial made me smile...I love when we can tell people what NOT to do as we learn as we go. You are a TRUE crafter. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Oh my gosh, how cute! I love this, but I don't know if I would have the patience to dye all those filters. I may do one with tissue paper and take a short-cut!

  3. Oh my gosh, how cute, I love this! I don't know if I would have the patience to dye all those filters, though! I may make one with tissue paper and take a short-cut!

  4. This is a great tutorial and I love the colors for Easter. Perfect. Headed over to her blog now to check out some more goodies.

  5. This is such a neat idea. I love the colors and the poofiness:)

  6. Thanks girls for letting me guest post today! :) It was a blast!! :)

  7. And I just posted my big gushing thank you as OMTWI! :) ROFLMAO!

  8. Oh wow! I made a coffee filter wreath with brown filters and it looked very nice and homey, esp for fall or a room with brown colors.

    I'm wanting to make a white one but now might have to try yellow since I know you can use food coloring!!

  9. Great job on the wreath. It looks so lush! I'm thinking this might be a good project for my daughter and granddaughter.

  10. Great job on the wreath. I love the colors.

  11. That is so clever! :) Very spring-y.

    (found you through my personal friend 'The Girl Creative'... now following)

  12. Love this! I am so making this wreath this week!

  13. I just made this with my daughter! It is so pretty! Thank you for a great idea! I used about 250 filters that I bought at the dollar store. I also used the neon food coloring, so my colors are slightly brighter than yours.


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