
nacho bar how-to (or the Bar of Cheesy Tex Mex Goodness)

We might've mentioned our affection for themed buffets/bars once or twice (haha!). Since Jord and her fam are still in Denver, and since our Farewell to Summer BBQ was a joint Kirstin-and-Jordan effort, it was the perfect chance to try something new! And, after throwing several ideas around, we settled* on The Bar of Cheesy Tex Mex Goodness- commonly known as a Nacho Bar! *I should give a little shout out to our sis-in-law Trish for suggesting this genius idea!

This Bar was simple (almost all of the ingredients are storebought) and DELICIOUS, so we thought we'd share a little DIY.

Things to Make:
Carnitas (we used the Pioneer Woman recipe... if you haven't tried it, DO IT NOW. Oh. My. Goodness)

"Nachos" banner (print out N A C H O S, cut out each letter, attach to a line of flags... then sew or tie to a ribbon and hang!)

Things to Buy
LOTS of tortilla chips
Shredded Cheese
Black Beans (we used five cans)
Green Onions
Sour Cream
Bacon Bits
Grilled Chicken
Chorizo (mexican sausage)

Black Olives

Things to Cater
Qdoba Queso (you could always do it without this addition, but it's not super expensive [$25-ish] and was the hit of the night!)

One of the best parts of The Nacho Bar is its versatility. Couldn't you see it at a Superbowl party (heck, any type of sports viewing party!), a graduation party, a His and Her Shower? Such yummy goodness, and so easy to put together!

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  1. Great idea! This has gone on my list of things to try for a future party. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love, love, love it. Such a great idea and so simple to throw together. Yours looked amazing. I definitely have to use this idea!

  3. oh ya...the queso is a MUST. MUST MUST! i love the nacho bar idea. i just ate a super rich dessert and drank coffee at bible study so i'm feeling very STUFFED right now. maybe i'll come back tomorrow and look again ;)

  4. What a great idea. Everything looks so festive and yummy!


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