
friday fun finds

Have I mentioned how much I love Fridays? Love. Love. Love 'em. I love the feeling of having a whole weekend stretching out in front of me, not even started yet, but about to. This weekend is in the YouWinSomeYouLoseSome category for us- we're celebrating both Adam's and my mama's birthdays (YAY!), but we also have babysitting swap here (CHAOS!).

I also love Fridays because I love seeing what you've been up to all week- it's like a little weekly date. I get to see what you've been up to, click around blogland and check with old friends (or meet new ones!).

A few more fabulousnesses to add to this already lovely Friday morning?

These Anthro-inspired bobby pins by Henry Happened are oh-so-fabulous!

Love this chunky mirror by Sugar Bee Crafts! That yellow is fantastic!

I have a thing for pleats- and this pleated pillow by Tori at Apostrophy Designs (for pleat week at See Kate Sew) is fantastic!

Love this Fair Isle sweater by A Jennuine Life. Gorgeous!

And the most clicked on link this week? The beach-y wedding totes by Backless Shirt. I want to renew my vows in Cancun- genius!

Here's your featured button, crafty guru's-

We can't wait to see your latest and greatest craftiness- something you made, a tutorial you put together (or tried out!), a product the rest of us need, a scrumptious recipe- whatever you're loving this week! 

A few guidelines:
1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from your blog.


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  1. ola, k! i linked up my shower from last weekend :) ok...bye!

  2. Thank you for featuring my bobby pins! You made my day :) And I love that pillow! very cool, can't wait to see all of the new projects!

  3. Thanks for the awesome link parky! I'm off to snoop around now! hehe

    ~ ~

  4. I am number 149 and would love to have you feature me.



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