
garden goodness- 'sundried' tomatoes two ways

As we try to utilize our potager to its fullest potential, we're sharing the garden goodness with you!

One of our favorite maximizers-of-garden-goodness is Sundried Tomatoes (they're actually oven dried, or dehydator dried, but neither of those sounds quite right). Whether you have a dehydrator or not, these little gems are worth your while. During the winter, we add them to pasta and pizza to get a fresh-from-the-garden-in-the-dead-of-winter pick me up.

To make these lovelies-

Collect (or buy!) a bucketful of tomatoes. Almost every variety works to some degree, but our favorites are Romas (or anything medium to large sized without many seeds). Cherry and grape tomatoes are delicious, but take longer to dry. Also, we grew several new varieties of heirloom tomatoes this year (the little orange ones and the medium-ish yellow ones), so we are just trying those ones out for the first time this year (I can happily report- so far, so good).

Thinly slice the tomatoes (emphasis on thinly). If they're super small, like grape or cherry tomatoes, just cut them in half.

If you have a dehydrator, line them up on each level...

...if you don't, spread out the tomato slices on a cookie sheet that's be sprayed with olive oil (warning- this little tomato drying process is hard on cookie sheets... a couple years ago, I finally just bought one specifically for sundrying and I just don't let it bother me that, regardless of scrubbing, the thing never looks clean).
Whether your tomato slices are spread out on dehydrator plates or a cookie sheet, the next few steps are the same- drizzle with olive oil (LIGHTLY), sprinkle with coarse salt and herbs (whatever you have around, italian herbs never disappoint, but I also lo-ove using a generous sprinkling of rosemary, so experiment to see what you like best).

Now, dehydrator folks can just turn on their dehydrator for the next several hours (keep checking for done-ness). If you're making these in an oven, wait until a couple hours before your bedtime and then put the cookie sheet(s) in the oven at 200 degrees for two hours. After the two hours are up, turn the oven off, but leave the cookie sheet(s) in the oven over night (resist the urge to check on them- it'll let the warm air out and nullify this step).

To store, place your sundried tomatoes in freezer bags and keep in the freezer (if you're like us, you'll want to keep a jar at the ready in the fridge as well!). We like to freeze serving sized portions for easy use. They'll last 6-9 months (we usually run out around March).

Trust me when I say that your pizzas and pastas this winter will be so. much. better. for your time investment now!
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  1. Sounds wonderful and SO easy! How do you store them and how long do they keep?

  2. I don't even like tomatoes, and those look good!!

  3. Thanks for posting this recipe! I need something to do with all of my tomatoes! Question: How long will the sun dried tomatoes last and what is the best way to store them?


  4. @Michaela

    Cerise and Michaela, I added this info to the post- thanks for asking! We freeze them in portion sized servings. They keep for the whole winter (6-9 months). :)

  5. I love dried tomatoes. I think they get sweet like candy so I just snack on them. Delish!

  6. Glad to have another idea for what to do with all of my tomatoes! So far only a few have turned from green to red, so I might be trying this technique out on the green ones.


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