
martha stewart decorative paint line (and a nursery decor tutorial)

I am not normally a seventeen-projects-at-one-time type of girl. Two, maybe three, projects, yes. But seventeen? Not normally. That is, until a box of goodies from the Martha Stewart Crafts Decorative Paint Line by Plaid arrived on my doorstep

That day, the multi-purposing part of my mind went haywire! Paint that works on wood, metal, glass, ceramic, terra-cotta and fabric? Oh the possibilities! And thus my to-make list instantly ballooning to seventeen projects.

A taste of why I was so darn excited (and of course, furiously scribbling a seventeen project to make list)?

Darn fabulous stencils (can't you just see that flag bunting stenciled onto shower favors? And don't get me started on the wallpaper-y stencils)

Tons of options (gilding, etching, glazing just scratch the surface)

A spray paint kit that has earned my undying affection for it's lack of VOCs (better for us, better for the environment) AND for the whole world of color options it provides. Turn any color I want into spray paint (including my much-sought-after CORAL)? With 160 (non-toxic- read- safe to use with kiddos) colors available, that gives a whole bunch of options, y'all. Umm, yes please!

For today's tutorial, I used the Martha Stewart Crafts Decorative Paint spray paint kit, the Martha Stewart satin paint (a mix of satin light pink, fushia and orange), and the satin spray paint medium, to transform an old window frame into CORAL (have y'all tried to find coral spray paint? I dare you!) decor for Piper Jane's room.

As a little sidenote, this is one of my favorite things in Piper Jane's room right now. ;)

To use the spray paint kit, mix one part spray paint medium with one part paint (since mine was a mix of colors, it was one part spray paint medium to one-third part pink, one-third part orange and one-third part fushia).

Line up the spray nozzle with the arrow, then let 'er rip. Same rules apply with regular spray paint, really light coats over and over until it's covered.

Add wires across the front, rows of clipped on flashcards, fabric in the back, and an "Oh the places we'll go..." sign, and you have yourself some CORAL nursery decor. SO FUN, right?

*Note- The spray paint kit isn't cheap ($24.99), so take your Michael's coupon when you go to get it! Also, you CAN just keep using the same kit with different colors for various projects, which redeems the price tag a little.

A glimpse of a couple other things I've made with my new Martha Stewart goodies- a stencil-y "P" and a distressed t-shirt for Burke.

Also on my to-make list (most of which are already in progress)- spray painted frames, mustache and lip mugs, wallpaper-y stenciling in Piper Jane's room, a nursery throw pillow, baby shower favors, a painted rug and an Anthro-y knock off... Stay tuned, friends. This is just the start of the Martha Stewart Crafts Decorative Paint Line goodness.

This line-of-goodness is available at Michael's (it's already there, y'all!). Go get yourself a spray paint kit! :) 

All opinions 100% mine.

ps- This is the first glimpse of Piper Jane's almost done room! End-of-September is my self imposed finish up deadline- can't wait to show you the finished room!
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  1. Ok Kirstin, I have to admit I am now 100% officially envious/covetous. See I love me some Martha Stewart... in fact I was buying her stuff when she initially came out with her website (yes that long ago since they discontinued on-line sales for a number of years.) And now a few of my friends (as in met in real life friends) have been the sent the whole line as well. So now I am saving my pennies.... (and to think we just started in on our hardcore budget!! I guess its time to start the ebay sales and possibly etsy shop)

    Okay now I wanted to tell you I AM SO HAPPY for YOU! This is truly an awesome line and I know you will do amazing things with it!! CONGRATULATIONS!! and please do ENJOY! (that way I can enjoy it vicariously through you!! cause you always do things that make me SMILE!)

  2. Beautiful! Love all the possibilities with the new paint, I would probably have at least 17 projects as well :)!

  3. Wow!! I totally love this new product. Martha always is on trend. Your daughter's room is adorable.


  4. So, so adorable! Such a great idea for the alphabet cards! But I swear, as someone that lives where there are earthquakes, my heart rate went up seeing the shelf above the crib =)

  5. Oh my word Kirstin it is looking AMAZING. Seriously. Completely in love.

  6. I love this idea! Where did you get the flashcards?

  7. no way this is darling. i really am just dying right now looking at everything. i want to pin all the pictures!! that spray painting stuff is AWESOME!
    thanks for sharing. adorable little babies.
    {love} lauryn @

  8. Wow, I didn't know that spray painting kits existed, and YES I looked for coral spray paint for FOUR long months before giving up and moving on... Man I love the color you came up with and will have to ask for a spray painting kit for Christmas so I can finally make myself a coral belt!

  9. Wow, I didn't know that spray painting kits existed! And YES I search for FOUR months for coral spray paint. Why don't they sell that color? Anyway your color is gorgeous and I found something to add to my Christmas list! THANKS for sharing!

  10. @Andrea
    haha! hopefully we don't have an earthquake here in denver, right? because my son's bed has a shelf above it too!!! ;)

  11. @The Reeds
    Hey Georgia! Of course you noticed the cards. :) I love that.
    I REALLY wanted travel-themed flash cards and couldn't find any, so I just made them. The places are all special to our family (aka- we've been there, friends live there, we're planning to go there, etc.).
    I definitely need to make you a Uganda one! Email me your info (address, color for the ink and 4x6 or 5x7) and I'll get that in the mail! :)

  12. OMG! I love what you've made & of course your color choice! I can't wait to see all the other projects you have in store for us!

  13. i too love the flashcards- gorgeous! you are so talented :)

  14. Beautiful! I love it! I saw something similar on pinterest and was working on my own version in my head, but seeing yours...I am SOOOOO copying! Oh, btw...soo jealous! That set is ah-mazing! I know you'll have a blast with it! Hope you share some more ideas for it soon!

  15. why a lovely color you blended up! fantastic work!

  16. Wow, what a beautiful coral!! I love, love what you have done with it!! The coral coordinates so well with those adorable flashcards, so pretty!! :) Michelle

  17. I saw this at Michael's and was curious about it! so glad I saw your post.. Now Im really gonna have to check it out! That frame with the alphabet cards came out ADORABLE! Great job! :)

  18. This is awesome - I love it so! How pretty. I need one. :D

  19. I'm looking to add something like this to a window I just got. where did you get the wire/clips to attach to the wood window?


  20. Your nursery is SO cute!! I love the colors. And that alphabet board and monogram are so pretty!


  21. Oh man, this stuff looks like so much fun! I'd be like you with ideas just flooding through my head. I'm super excited about the idea of spray paint in any color as well - boy am I tired of wishing I had a spray painter but not wanting to shell out the big bucks at the hardware store (nor bust something that big out for a small project). Thanks for letting us know about these great products!! I know what I'll be asking for my birthday. :)

    BTW, the project is SUPER cute and Piper Jane's room is looking great!

  22. do you know if these paints can be used on ceramic coffee mugs without coming off? thanks

  23. @Carmen Lee
    Hey Carmen! There is an "etching" add-in that makes the paint stay on ceramics. We used the paints (and the etching stuff) on the elephant shower favors and have put them through the dishwasher a ton and it's held up really well.


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