
pretty parties tutorial- glitter garland

This little glitter garland was part of the sparkly, shimmery goodness. Lovely, no? And super simple!

It's made of glittery pom poms (from Target's Dollar Bin), pink straws from Ikea, and white yarn.

Just cut the straws...

...thread the yarn through a tapestry needle...

...and then poke the needle through alternating pom poms and straws.

Ooooh, sparkley, glittery goodness.

ps- Couldn't you see this adorning a glittery Christmas tree?

Head on over to C.R.A.F.T for more Pretty Parties this morning.

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  1. Oh this garland is sooo pretty. Think I might have to hold a party just to have an excuse to make it!

  2. So very pretty and thanks for the how-to!

  3. That is the cutest! I love that it's from the dollar bin, so clever! :)


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