
kojotutorial: a very merry twinkle wreath

I should start off by saying that I am not a "Start Celebrating Christmas in October" advocate. I am way to OCD for that- I like having a designated spot for each different holiday. And when Christmas creeps into fall, my categories get all screwy. Plus, I love Thanksgiving. And I hate it when Christmas overshadows Thanksgiving because of date proximity.

However, in an effort to take the level of Frazzled down a notch around here, I'm trying to be more organized for this year's Christmas (thanks for the inspiration, Alicia!). Which means making Christmas decor (and some of my handmade gifts) in November so that we can actually enjoy December (on that note, Burke and I are working on some super fun advent stuff! Can't wait to share!).

All of that to say, My Twinkle Wreath is DONE!  It doesn't twinkle (those are replacement bulbs you see), but it is darn festive. And cheery. And oh-so-merry. Pretty much, we LOVE it (we being me, Piper Jane and Burke- haha!).

In case you're trying to be more organized this year too, or just in case you need a wreath idea, I thought I'd share it here before Gifts for Guys gets started.

To make a non-twinkling Twinkle Wreath you'll need:
-two sizes of replacement Christmas light bulbs (I bought these when Target had them on clearance last year, but they still have the same ones... I know because I had to go get a couple more packs. You might be able to use the bulbs from a non-working strand from your stash or a thrift store?). I used 28 of each size bulb.
-floral pins (from Hobby Lobby, I believe... they're shaped like little prongs, so the name "pins" is a little misleading)
-hot glue (LOTS of hot glue)
-a wreath form
-yarn for wrapping the wreath
-thick ribbon (to make the hanger)

1. Wrap your wreath form in yarn.

2. Start attaching the large bulbs to the wreath form with floral pins. Make sure the pins really secure each bulb in place. Continue until your entire wreath is covered in one layer of big bulbs.

3. Hot glue the little bulbs in place on top of the the big bulbs. Two tips- 1. Be liberal with your hot glue. 2. Match up the little and big bulb colors (it looked too chaotic when I randomly placed the colors for the second layer- though, try it, you may like it).

4. Add a thick ribbon hanger and you're finished!

5. Admire the festive, cheery, bright merry-ness! Having a wreath like this makes my red door happy, I'm pretty sure.

I even toted this gem of a wreath out in the snow, you know, to see how it matched up with the white fluffiness in the chance that we have a white Christmas this year. The verdict? White Christmas, bring it on. We're ready for you.

Have you started on anything Christmas-y yet?
Also, do you love those retro-y bulbs like I do? Aren't they merry?

Oh, and in case you're looking for something a little softer and cozier to adorn your December door, may I suggest the ROY G BIV wreath? I made it last year from a bunch of felted sweaters. So cozy.
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  1. It looks really cute on your red door!

  2. I love your ROY G BIV wreath! And I do know what you mean about getting on early start on things in order to enjoy each holiday.

  3. sooooo....
    a. thanks for the shout out...happy to help :)
    b. LOVE that happy are SO fun! one of the many reasons why i love ya.
    c. i THREW OUT a whole bucket of really old light bulbs like that!!!! can you believe it!? i was so stressed getting ready to move i was throwing things out right and left. bummer :(

  4. Love the Twinkle Wreath but when I saw the ROY G BIV Wreath I just wanted to wrap myself in it - soft and cozy!

  5. I really love this! I have gotten an early start on my decor too (I'll be out of town for Thanksgiving). But this is just a fabulous and festive idea.

    The...Late, Young Family

  6. Oooo, love it! You are so on top of things, having it completely finished before the gifts for guys series starts. Congrats!!

    We're working on an Advent Calendar here too, Jayce is about the same age as Burke and I'm excited to help this season be meaningful for him this year. But I'm having the hardest time finding holiday print outs and things for that age. Have you found any? I guess I'm looking for little lessons or coloring pages or something, and I keep coming up empty.

    Thanks! Can't wait to see your take!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [11 Nov 02:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria


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