
a couple of black apple dolls for the littles

"Bay-bee" was one of Piper Jane's first words. She adores- loveloveLOVES- babydolls! She totes them everywhere she goes, hugs them, kisses them, all the while murmuring, "Bay-bee, bay-bee, bay-bee."

Of course, that means that the top of my To Make for Piper Jane for Christmas list read, "Soft Dollie." And once I got started, I decided to make another for our niece (who, incidentally, loves baby dolls just like Piper Jane!).

I followed this Black Apple Doll tutorial (thanks for all of the tips, Facebook friends) and love the way they turned out. Seriously, can. not. wait. until she and Hannah open their doll babies on Christmas morning.
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  1. Your baybee dolls are adorable!! Aren't black apple dolls the greatest?! I have made a few and tweaked the pattern a bit but still love them just the same. In fact it has gotten to the point that I am always looking for a little girl to make them for. LOL i know, silly.... like I need another project. ha ha! :)

  2. Oh, those turned out so, so cute!!! Love them. Mia is the same way with baby dolls. I wish I had made her one for Christmas. We got her first Cabbage Patch baby instead. A homemade one is so much better. Maybe next year! : )

  3. Your dollies are just adorable. I'm sure Piper and Hannah will love them!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. I just love Black Apple dolls ... my little girls got them a couple of Christmases ago. Yours are adorable!

  5. Seriously cute. I'm making a soft dollie for my little girl too, but mine does not compare to this, lol! Piper Jane is going to love it!

    The...Late, Young Family

  6. oh my goodness, these dolls make me wish i could sew!! they are sooo adorable. ruby's first word (after mama and dada) was "doll" - she loves her dolls! so fun

    have a wonderful christmas!


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