
friday fun finds: sew basic! series at ruffles & stuff

I think I've told y'all that I sew with the machine manual in my lap; I need it nearby at all times to look up how to do things that most of you consider to be super basic in the world of sewing.  That's why my find of the week is Disney's Sew Basic! series at Ruffles and Stuff.  If you're wanting information of the basics of sewing, this is a great place to start... And if you're wanting to branch out to, say, ruffles, or shirring, those tutorials are included as well.  I think it's an ongoing series... I can't wait to see what else she comes up with!

Do you have a fun find this week?  Something you made?  A tutorial that you can't wait to try out?  A recipe, a organizational tip, a fabulous product?  Basic sewing information that the rest of us need too?  Do share!
A few guidelines:
1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from you blog.



  1. Oh, thank you!! I'm so glad that you like the series!

  2. Neat!! I can't wait to check that out. :) I found some great posts this week that I linked to today---do those count to link up my post here?

  3. What kind of sewing machine do you have. I am in desperate need of an upgrade and I'd like one all in one machine (serger/sewing/embroidery). Yours seems to be right in that arena.
    Oh, and I love the site!

  4. Thanks for the invite! I just linked up. :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog & letting me know about your fun party! I just linked up & added you to my weekly calendar.

  6. Hi ladies! Thanks for inviting me over to link up! I love to go and see all of the projects!

    I love your blog, it's been fun to read through and see all of the cool things!

    p.s. I don't know how I ever lived without a serger!

  7. Hi, thans for the link, i love your blog, i'm always here, looking for news, you're so smart, congratulations, flowers for you...

  8. I wanted to let you know that my blog has moved to its own site.


    You will need to come over and re-sig up to follow me at the new site. If not you won't get my updates. Blame Google not me-I don't know why they want to keep my followers-like what are they going to do with them--REALLY.


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