
things I didn't get done...

Have I told y'all about my love (LOVE) for making to-do lists?  It's a passion really.  And you should see the multiple Beach Readiness to-do lists I've made in preparation for our trip.

Here's the thing, though.  All of more optional things keep getting bumped to 'tomorrow.'  And now, we're leaving tomorrow, so those things will just remain undone.

The things I didn't get to:
1- Much of my to-do list, mostly cleaning chores. I love coming home to a pristine-ly clean house, so I hate that.
2- I didn't make a toteable towel for myself.  Nor did I make ones for Adam or Burke.  Bummer.
3- I didn't make a beach bag for us.  I mean, we have a beach bag.  I just wanted to make us a new one, tailored to my by-the-pool staples.  No such luck.
4- I haven't picked up my pile of books from the library yet.  And when I say pile, I mean, I think I reserved 15 books.  That is still on my hopefully-we'll-get-there-tomorrow-morning list.  My procrastination in this regard does leave one benefit- do y'all have any book recommendations for me?  Even if I can't pick it up for this trip, I LOVE having an ongoing list of what to read next...
5- I didn't make Burke new lounge pants to replace his now-too-small ones from last fall (pictured above).  I wanted to use the sleeves from one of Adam's old long sleeved tshirts.  Perhaps I'll be up for some latenight sewing?

There were a bunch of things I did get to... including linen pants and a matching appliqued whale shirt for Burke, a Happy Toddler Travel Pack for tomorrow, and a drawstring sunscreen bag (it is funny to me just to type that out... I'll try to put together a tutorial and an explanation later- haha!). If I have a chance to take pictures, I'll try to share some of that this weekend.

Hopefully you're having a more successful to-do list checking off week than I am! :)


  1. I too, love to make lists & I too, don't always get it all done & it goes on the next days or next weeks!
    Coming home to a pristinely clean home after vacation is at the top for me too!

  2. Oooh...I love me some lists!!

    Book recommendations...I'm ALL about YA fiction, so bear with me. I loved the City of Bones series. I ADORED the Percy Jackson & The Olympians books. I've been enjoying, also, killing time with the Last Apprentice series. Light reads are best for me, because then I don't tear my hair out (too much) when the kids interrupt me for the fifth time before I can finish a page.....

  3. my list is so long and out of control, plus I have a mental list of things that I want to do that keeps getting longer. whew! I hope you have a great vacation though!

  4. i love making to-do lists as well! I also love love coming home to a clean house after vacation- its the best feeling! Hope you get a few more things done before tomorrow & if not it looks like you still got a ton of fun stuff done. Looking forward to seeing those tutorials. Have fun on your trip & enjoy the sun for us!
    It is supposed to rain/snow again this weekend... I think I am ready for spring now!

  5. Sounds like my list. My did not do list is longer than my what I did do list. I am intrigued by that sunscreen bag!

  6. Love lists but never seem to get much done off of them. :)
    Just finished reading Sarah's Key by
    Tatiana de Rosnay amazing book which prevented me from getting anything done on my to do list as I could not tear myself away from reading it. Highly recommend it.

  7. I am refeaturing a little girl's ruffly dress from a t-shirt post at today. I hope you don't mind.

  8. I featured your beach towel on my blog, Life On Purpose! Come check it out and grab my "featured" button!

    Have a great weekend :o)


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