
friday fun finds: jersey skirts

Y'all already know about my recent closet woes... Thursday morning, I discovered something that might just be part of the solution.  It was a jersey skirt.  At Old Navy.  For $15.  I bought it in gray and in brown, and would've bought black had it been available in my size.  If it looks ok on me right now (and I'm at the "23-weeks-pregnant and looking lumpy and a little off" place), it just might work for anyone.  Go try it on and let me know.  Especially if you're pregnant and having closet woes like I am (though, after rereading that, I think I should mention that it's not a maternity skirt... just a regular old made-for-everyone skirt... and even more useful that way, right?).

What about you?  Did you find anything similarly fabulous this week?  We'd love for you to share YOUR Friday Fun Find- a wardrobe staple, something you made, a tutorial you put together (or tried out!), a product the rest of us need, a recipe you tried out- whatever you're loving this week!
A few guidelines:
1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from you blog.



  1. I have been looking at those skirt for a while. Glad to know you are liking yours! Maybe I should try them out.

  2. I first bought one of those skirts three years ago! I have bought a new one each summer! They are so comfortable! ;)

  3. I hear ya sista...I had one of these skirts fom gap and O.N. in every color puchased pre prego and they ended up being my favorite maternity clothes ever!

  4. Agreed! I had one in brown and gray before pregnancy..then bought a black one and a olive green. I wore them all nine about 4 after. After that my newly pregnant friend had to pry them out of my hand..I was so used to comfy dressing.

  5. I'm not pregnant but might have to take a trip... looks like the perfect skirt!

  6. I love these skirts! A bought two colors and they have been a maternity staple for me - so much more comfortable than maternity pants.

  7. I bought this same skirt last year in navy. Lovely!

  8. I have this same skirt in brown but wish I could get my hands on 1 of every colour (there isn't an Old Navy in Australia). They are great for fat days and pregnancy. Plus, I've washed the hell out of it and it still looks great.

  9. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to get into some of these projects!

  10. Thanks for the invite :) I'll be back - I'm now following!

  11. Thanks for the heads up about your Friday Fun Finds...and thanks for the nice words on my blog!!!

  12. I love those skirts! Thanks for visiting my blog & for the invite to the party :)

  13. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the invitation to your party! I've linked up!!!

  14. I'm happy to discover your site. I look forward to seeing what you feature next Friday!

  15. Thanks for inviting me! All linked up and ready to party!

  16. Thanks so much for commenting over at Domestic Adventure! I'm so glad to have found your Friday Fun Finds party!

  17. I just want to say that you girls seem like a ton of fun. Maybe it's because of your picture, maybe it's because you're sisters, but I feel like I know you two and like you'd be a blast to hang out with. I know that's a random comment, but it's a compliment. Love your blog, too! Thanks for the link invite.

  18. I love the knit skirt. I have a belly pooch and this would so hide it! Thanks for the tip and the invide to the link party!

  19. Thanks for the blog visit and for leaving such a nice comment. Love the skirt!

  20. thanks for linking up my pillows and visiting my blog! i have added a couple other projects. love your fun projects!

  21. Jeresy skirts are the best. I wore mine all throughout my pregnacny and I got some more just before I had my baby cause they work great for the in between stage of no longer prego but still look 5 months prego, I also have found some that are convertable into dresses or skirts depending on your style, they are great for nursing you can pull them up and down and get lots of looks and ALL the comfort. good luck.


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