
friday fun finds: maternity sewing round up

Just in time for my craft room to be taken over by projects to accomodate my growing belly, luvinthemommyhood has provided a most valuable resource this week (well valuable if you're pregnant or would like to make something for someone who is)!
*image by luvinthemommyhood
Head on over to check out a whole round up of maternity sewing links!  There are skirts and shirts and pants and all sorts of good things to sew... fabulous news for a pregnant girl like me. :)

Did you find (or make?) anything equally stellar this week?  We'd love for you to share YOUR Friday Fun Find- a whole list of linky love to jump start your to-make list, a tutorial you put together (or tried out!), something you made, a product the rest of us need, a recipe- whatever you're loving this week!
A few guidelines:
1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from you blog.



  1. I refashioned some tshirts this week. You could totally dress up some plain maternity tees!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting Friday Fun Finds. I love seeing what everyone else has been doing for the past week :)

  3. Thanks for hosting. Have a beautiful Easter weekend.

  4. Thanks for the invite. I saw your ties on One Pretty Thing the other day and love them. I made ties a different way several months ago and put a link in it to your new, different version.

  5. just linked up- thanks for the invite! just started stalking, i mean, er, following you as well! i always love seeing what crafty people are up to! can't wait til both my little buggers are in school more next year and i have more time to try all these great ideas! thanks for hosting!

  6. Hi..Thanks for hosting a great party!! I'm new to this but have found such wonderful people doing these parties & link ups. I wish the rest of the world could be as uplifting & supportive to each other as I have experienced here. Happy Easter!! Barb
    P.S. Hope to have my own link party April 12th “My Creative Space Monday” @
    …..Hope you will join up, too.

  7. Thank you so much for directing me to this maternity round-up! I just got back from a day of trying to find a maternity skirt to no avail! I can't decide which skirt to convert first!!

  8. Seriously, how did we get craft ideas before we all had this kind of forum to scour and be inspired by? Ladies, love the blog. I'll be plugging you. Please pop by mine if you'd like!

  9. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog & linking to my party!

  10. Thanks so very much for hosting this great party! I really appreciate your stopping by my place and inviting me over to party! have a delightful weekend.

  11. Thanks for the invite! Glad I could link up this week! Hope you girls have a great holiday weekend - Thanks for hosting!

  12. I am loving your blog, and I will definitely be posting about these maternity tutorials! Great job, girls....
    Happy Easter, and thanks for hosting!

  13. Thanks for the link luv ladies! Glad you liked the post :)

  14. I love seeing what everyone else has been doing for the past week
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