
friday fun finds: printable icing!?!

I must be behind the times, y'all, to just be discovering this... but I am delighted at the possibilities of printable cupcake icing!  Seriously delighted.

There are companies, like Ticings that sell gorgeous, already printed modern frosting sheets for you to add to your baked goods (see the pictures above).  And then, for us do-it-yourself types who love creating designs of our own, there are all sorts of places to buy blank printable frosting sheets (and circles for cupcakes).  A few I found?  Kopykake, TastyFotoArt, SugarCraft to start.  Have y'all tried this out?  Any tips for me?  How did I miss this, friends?

What about you?  Did you discover anything equally fabulous this week?  We'd love for you to share YOUR Friday Fun Find- the perfect addition to your next party, something you made, a tutorial you put together (or tried out!), a product the rest of us need, a recipe you tried out- whatever you're loving this week!
A few guidelines:
1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from you blog.



  1. Sorry, it posted my butterfly wing onesie twice! Don't know how that happened!

    Thanks for hosting!

  2. I've seen this before for cakes... but love the idea of using them for cupcakes! Thanks for sharing, and for hosting. Happy Friday :)

  3. Thanks for the party! Always great for inspiring ideas.

  4. Thanks for inviting me to your party!!

  5. What a neat idea!!! Love this for cupcakes. :)

  6. Thanks for inviting me to the party! So fun! I hadn't found you guys've got a great site!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I've joined your linky party as requested!!
    cupcake idea is amazing:-)

  8. Thank you for hosting! And for stopping by my blog and telling me. I love a good party!

  9. This is my first time to Friday Fun Finds...Love the cup cake designs...really cute! I'm off to check out the other interesting finds!! Thank you for hosting!!

    Rene' @

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog and inviting me to the party! Now I need to go check out all the neat stuff!

  11. What a cool discovery! Perfect for those intimidated by frosting cupcakes! Thanks for hosting the party every week.

  12. Thank you ladies for letting me know about your linky party. I love finding fun, new blogs. I just became a follower and can't wait to sort through you archives!

  13. Hi guys,

    Thanks for inviting me to join!

    Thanks for hosting such a fun party!

    If you have Party related post, don't forget to link up on Monday at Bird Crafts too! :)

  14. Hi There,
    I recently added a Link Party Directory to my blog site, Tools Are For Women Too!, listing just over 100 link parties. I made sure that Kojo Designs was included. Here is the link Please take a look at it when you have time and link back to me somehow ,if possible. I also do a link party called Modern Craftswoman Monday. Thank you. Rory

  15. Thanks for inviting me to participate! Looks like a great party with some people I haven't met yet. Off to check out the projects!

  16. Fun party!

    I am sorry I was too late to join in. Thanks for inviting me. I would love to join up another time!



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