
kojotutorial: paint chip banner

I ran into our hippo shower guest of honor at Home Depot the weekend before the big event... she and her hubs were picking out paint for the baby room.  Their palette of green, yellow and brown was so fabulous that I grabbed a bunch of paint chips to match theirs before we took off, planning to somehow incorporate them into her shower decor.  I ended up making an "It's a Boy!" banner with them.
To make a similar banner, print the word you're wanting to spell, one letter at a time on the back of various paint chips (make sure the letters are mirror images).
Cut out each letter (I punched a hole within the area to be cut out and used that as a starting point for my scissors).  Glue your cutout on a contrasting paint chip.
Sew your message onto a length of ribbon and you're done!  Fabulous, palette appropriate shower decor that can be reused in a nursery later!
ps- I'm thinking about making both pink and blue versions of this banner to take to the hospital with us in August.  Last time, my mom got us "It's a GIRL!" and "It's a BOY!" banners and I'd love to have something similar for round 2.


  1. this is a great, almost free idea! perfect for a baby shower or for birthdays. i'm thinking you could make a seriously fun birthday banner with all the bright color options.

  2. So creative and so fun...I can even do this! :)

  3. What a great idea to use the sample colors! I never would have thought of that! Super cute!

  4. That's a very creative use of those paint chips! I have tons stored from our remodel, hated to just throw them away but didn't have the foggiest idea what to do with them! My daughter's b-day is in a few days, maybe a birthday banner would be perfect with all the pink and purple ones!! Thanks for the idea.
    Have a great week.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  5. This is SO cute! What a great use for paint cards! I'm adding this to my idea wall.

  6. I love this! I have a ton of paint chips - now I have a way to use them! Thanks for the project idea!

  7. Very cute! I wonder if you can use a Cricut to cut out the letters?

  8. wow, that looks like a lot of work, but totally worth it! what a clever and adorable idea :)

  9. What a great idea! I love those paint chips. The possibilities are endless!

  10. Cute! thanks so much for linking up on Craft Schooling Sunday! all the best, Sara

  11. Great use of the paint chips!! I did something a while back with those too:

    A little paper hole puncher goes a long way!!

  12. I love this idea!! Thanks for sharing...I'm following now

  13. Ooh paint chips! That is such a great idea! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

  14. this is such a great idea! so clever and simple


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