
our world this week: hill country

The hubs and I enjoyed a fabulous trip to the hill country sans kiddos this week. here is what I loved about the trip:
 stopping whenever we wanted to take pics...
seeing the bluebonnets in full bloom
eating amazing barbeque
and indulging in treats from the best bakery in texas
taking our sweet time window shopping
getting my very own pair of cowboy boots!
and attending a fabulously detailed and personalized wedding (the reason for the trip!)... more on this to come later!


  1. Get down farmer brown, love Salt Lick! We stopped for some pics of Bluebonnets today! They smelled so wonderful when we got out of the car.

  2. Beautiful pictures! Those boots rock! I want some! :)

  3. Cuuuuute boots!! We also did the bluebonnet photo shoot this weekend. :) New to TX, but love them. Now- - you must tell- - where is this best bakery in TX? I'm new, so you have to fill me in! lol.


  4. Wow. All of that looked so fabulous. Made me want to go to Texas. Fun!

  5. that looks like a fantastic trip!! i love the new kicks! youre such a texan!


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