
productive energy

This weekend was a whirlwind of tutorial-y following goodness around here... I love it when I see something I would like to make, make it, and it turns out great.  It doesn't happen often for me (usually, I get caught up at the "make it" step), so I thought I'd celebrate my productivity with y'all.

Weekend Project #1: Maternity Skirt from Homemade by Jill
I can't remember which of you told me about this skirt- but thank you!  It's fabulous- sure to be a staple of my maternity wardrobe.  I modified the original tutorial a little (I wanted to keep the back belt loops on there, so I changed up the belly band part a little) and am just thrilled with the result.  How wonderful to have a maternity jean skirt on hand, and even better that it was made out of items from my Goodwill-bound pile, so it was free!
Weekend Project #2: Shirring (from Prudent Baby)
I have a drop-in bobbin, so, much to my dismay, I haven't had much success following normal shirring tutorials (where you hand wind elastic string onto the bobbin).  However, this brilliant tutorial at Prudent Baby solved my shirring problems!  I should say that this discovery is both brilliant and dangerous at the same time... Brilliant because I feel like a whole world of sewing possibilities has just been opened to me and dangerous, well, because a whole new world of sewing possibilities has just been opened to me.  Next on the docket?  Matching dresses for my nieces to wear to Keadryn's birthday party in May and an attempt at a maternity dress for myself... the fabric is already ordered for both projects, in fact (See? Dangerous!).
Weekend Project #3: Good for you Cupcakes (from Made)
When we were asked to bring dessert for Easter brunch, there really wasn't much of a decision to make about what I would make.  Cake, of course!  I tried out Dana's lightened cake recipe and paired it with a wedding cake frosting recipe I found on recipezaar.  Aside from the fact that I still can't figure out why wedding cake sounds so darn good to me, this little baking adventure was a huge hit.

Have you tried out any fabulous tutorials lately?  Do share!


  1. Yay! Your skirt turned out really nice! I am going to have to check out that shirring tutorial!

  2. The skirt turned out great!

    One of the best tutorials I've used lately is this one about how to applique pants I've used it for several projects that are up on my blog and a few more I've got in the works.

  3. I did a tiny bit of shirring today myself. Last year I made a dress for my daughter that included some shirring and I almost went bald tearing my hair out. I finally got it to work for a short time, but not long enough to finish! Today I thought, I'll give it a try and it worked! Yeehaw! I have been thinking about the endless possibilies now too!

  4. Your skirt turned out really cute!

    I bought some elastic thread to try out shirring and have been too scared to use it. :)

  5. I am going to have to check out that shirring tutorial!
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