
new mama tools

For our little sister, Kedron's, baby shower, we've made "The New Mom's Top 10" list and are trying to collect everything on it for her.  Topping that list is "nursing cover."

Here are a few nursing cover tutorials that might help us in our quest to craft one for her:
Nursing cover at made by the mama monster
Another cover at sew much ado
Nursing cover with contrasting cuff and pocket at TaDa! Creations

We have the fabric picked out and will show you the finished product. :)

ps- Kiji, if you're reading this, sorry!


  1. I LOVED my nursing cover. Used it for BOTH my too youngest babies... I'll have to add that to my list of must have's to give to my SIL for her shower next month!

    Can't wait to see how your's turns out.

  2. Definitely at the top of the list for things mom needs... I bet yours will be extra cute!

  3. My girls loved theirs! Definitely on the top of the list for things new mothers need!

  4. Such a great tool for the nursing mama's out there!

  5. These are cute and super useful. I went on vacation with 3 nursing mommys and they always came in handy since we were always in large groups. They make a great gift if ur crafty enough to make them its even better. We call them "hooter hiders" :P

  6. If you don't want to sew a nursing cover, you can purchase an awesome one at:


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