
whale room round up

I'm not sure I should admit this on the internet, but I am not a huge fan of themed nurseries or kid's rooms.  At the same time, as I switch Burke's room from a Shades and Textures of White Nursery to big boy room, I'd like to create a place for him that he really loves.

The palette for said Big Boy Room is aqua, navy and kelly green... And, despite my aforementioned aversion to themes, this preppy palette paired with Burke's affection for belugas and other aquatic animals have pointed us towards a recurring whale motif as well.

There are some supercute whale projects floating around the internet (no pun intended- haha!).  I will definitely not be incorporating all of these into one little room- but I might attempt one or two of them.  Here's a roundup of the 'whale room stuff' I've found:
Selvage whale on sew news
Love this rustic whale (in Nantucket, on Apartment Therapy)
Whale embroidery patterns at lollychops (perhaps to embroider on a pillow?)
Whale pillow at


  1. I'm no theme fan either, but I LOVE the idea of whales. SO cute. Can't wait to see it all come together.

  2. I like themes in some cases, especially if it's something that the child loves! GL!

  3. thanks for the roundup, i love love love the selvedge whale, it's so crazy cute. I have to try it!

  4. I like theme rooms for children's rooms, but not overdone. However, I've always wanted a cabin in the mountains, just so I could decorate it cabinish style!

  5. I'm not really a fan of themes either...especially for baby nurseries...because baby's could care less what's around them as long as there are stimulating things to look at. It's fun as they get older to put up things the child likes, though.

  6. Have you seen this image?
    It would be great for pillowcases or whatever.


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