
the wild things party!

Our lofty Wild Things Party aspirations were toned down quite a bit along the way because of the way May played out... Sometimes family stuff takes precedence over party planning, and that's how it should be!  We decided to focus on great food and a few special touches that we thought Annie, Burke and Addison would love.

The main attraction of the feast-like spread was the kabobs- lemon rosemary chicken, garlic-balsalmic steak, and more fresh produce than we knew what to do with (you should've seen my cart at the market beforehand!).
A moon pinata- I know the moon isn't traditionally considered a major player in Where the Wild Things Are, but don't tell that to Burke... It's made quite the impression on him, and thus was incorporated into the party.
Little red boats- These were used both as decor and as a kid-friendly activity- love the double duty.  Annie's dad, Paul, put these together and I was blown away by his attention to detail!  The names on the boat are a cute touch a la Max, eh?
Vine-like garland- "...and the ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around."  This line from the book was our inspiration for turning the pergola into a vine-y, flower-y tentBetter yet, the garland is all reusable, so we'll keep in on hand as decor and for other parties.  Pom-poms and paper pomanders accompanied all of the garlands.
Wild Things hats and Max crowns- For the photo booth, and for fun... Max crowns and Wild Things party hats (with yellow eyes, of course!) delighted kids and adults alike. :)
Photo booth- More on this to come... we used an old door painted with chalkboard paint.  This little gem will see many parties, I believe!


  1. Looks like a great party! Those kebabs sound delish and I love the photo booth. I can't wait to hear more about it!

  2. SO FREAKING CUTE! its funny cause i kinda hated the movie (shhhhh! don't tell) but this party is to DIE for!!! sooooooo creative!

  3. sooo cute!! i love it!! i love little sayla in the photobooth!! and i love the moon pinata! so original!

  4. so cute! I didn't realize Jord and the girls were gonna make it for this party! - so great-- even without all the details you felt like you didn't get to.

  5. What an ADORABLE idea for a party!! Love it!!

  6. I love your party! It's so vintage story book, and the colors are fabulous!!!

  7. Oh wow! I'm blown away. Everything looks amazing! What a great theme with so many fun details.


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