
finder outers

Unlike someone I know (ahem- Kirstin), we are Finder Outers. We anticipate the famed 20 week ultrasound with great excitement, not only to check whether everything is on track develomentally for the Little Peanut, but also, 20 weeks means we get to find out the gender of our baby!
And the verdict is... Baby Girl #3 (Evelyn Kate) will be joining our family around February 8th! I can't describe the level of excitement around here. I made Keadryn and Sayla little shirts to share the good news. We can't wait to meet her!


  1. Congratulations! We are expecting girl #3 on February 9! Same-same!

  2. awe! congrats!!! LOVE girls! now you can make three little matching sets of everything!!! too fun!


  3. Yay, we just found out we're having a girl too! On or around Feb. 9th!

  4. yey!! i am still so excited about another precious remke girl!

  5. Have I mentioned how excited I am for you!?

  6. Congratulations! We are finder-outers too. :)

  7. Awww! That's so exciting! Congratulations! I loved finding out what our baby is too. :) Finder-Outers have all the fun. :)

  8. congrats!!! we have 3 girls and it is awesome!! so happy for you

  9. So exciting!! 3 little girls. Love it. Sisters. So great. And Evie can be good friends with her cute cousin too. Sounds perfect.

  10. I'm definitely a finder outer. Congratulations.


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