
life's a picnic party

Sayla is a go-with-the-flow little girl. She's a free spirit. She loves people. She gets excited about small things. She loves playing outside. What better party for her than a low-key picnic party with people she loves? I had such a fun time planning this party and I felt like all the elements reflected our little sassy-but-sweet girl perfectly!

Theme: back yard picnic
Invites: Simple and sweet with a paper lantern theme. My favorite parts were the clear bag envelopes and the confetti floating around in the envelope.
 Decor: Paper lanterns in lots of bright colors, picnic baskets in various sizes (holding napkins, forks and condiments)  and quilts covering the backyard.
Menu:  Sack lunches. Guests had their choice of turkey or ham sandwiches individually wrapped in parchment paper, choice of chips, choice of mac-n-cheese or potato salad (also in individual serving sizes) bottled drinks, watermelon and, of course ice cream sandwiches and popsicles!
Games: Sayla Bingo! I made bingo cards with simple graphics of things Sayla loves and instead of yelling bingo the winner yelled "Happy Birthday Sayla!" It was a perfect game for kids and adults alike!
 Favors: My favorite part of any party! These were mini-picnic baskets with snacks Sayla would pick for a snack at the park: fruit leather, gummie bears, a sucker, cheese crackers, cookies and raspberry lemonade.  


  1. WOW! This is adorable. I love all of the attention to detail. The lanterns, the quilts. I'm having a picnic party for the big 3-2! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. oh my gosh you guys are ridiculously cute! are you professional part planners? just looking at your parties makes me happy!


  3. I love picnics and parties! This is great!

  4. Darling. Perfect. See you really are the party queen ladies. I just love it. Love that it was simple yet had so many great details. Adorable. (Love her shirt too!)

  5. I wish I was a little girl still.. That seems like so much fun! I love how colorful and girly it was. Much better than a regular picnic :)

  6. What a neat party. I love all the details. You two do the best parties. I also loved your bag tute on MADE.

  7. Looks like a beautiful party! You have great style!!

  8. LOVE it! so wish we were there to see all the great details in person! can't wait to plan my kids parties one day with you! you are so great at them!!


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