
so you think you're crafty

Hey all!  Do you follow the competition So You Think You're Crafty?  We discovered Dana at Made and Homemade by Jill during Season 1 and have added all sorts of fabulous projects to our To Make lists during the last several seasons.

Anyhow, we're auditioning for Season 5 this week and would love for you to head on over and check it out (and vote!).  We can't tell you what we made- can you figure out which project is ours?


  1. I'm so excited about y'all trying out! You are so gonna make it! I am headed over right now to vote!

  2. Yeah! You guys will do really well! I voted, but I can't tell which project is yours! Good luck!

  3. how fun! i went over and voted. keep us posted! (you girls will do great!)


We LOVE hearing from you- thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

If you are asking a question, PLEASE be sure your e-mail is either in your comment or linked to your profile so we can get back to you!