
*wink* layettes

There isn't a whole lot to be said in favor of the newborn-baby nighttime sleep schedule (which, incidentally, includes the newborn-parent nighttime sleep schedule as well, since the two are one and the same). Any season in life where you are waking up every couple hours is just going to be a little rough.

To add a little smile to those "Why-the-heck-am-I-up?" 2:00 am moments, we made layettes for our little sis's Little Bean that match her and her hubbies' hobbies (does Starbucks count as a hobby?). We're calling them the *wink* layettes.

This probably seems obvious, but to make one, pick up a package of open bottom layettes...
...and freezer paper stencil the hobby-related image of your choosing onto the front... can also add a monogram (or two!) as a variation on this theme...
Make a few more for friends and you have the perfect baby shower gift!

ps- I made the tooth layette for some friends from dental school... the dad-to-be keeps saying that it is going to be their "going home from the hospital" outfit- hahaha!


  1. super cute... i have yet to try the freezer paper stencil thing... kind of scared of it.... love the colors you used!!


  2. Very nice job. I like the blue on orange.

    BTW I am still amazed at how much you guys do with kids, being pregnant/or having just had a newborn. Amazing.

  3. oh my gooodness!! where did you find your hammer shape applique thing!! ha ha ha ha i am not to sure what to call it!

  4. CUTE idea! I am going to have to try that...we are entering Round #2 of our friends having babies! :) Where did you get those cute patterned gowns - not pastel pink or blue - Amazing!

  5. So cute!!! Thanks for linking!! :)


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