
on our craft tables lately

Hmmm... between the new baby (still trying to find my crafting groove with Piper Jane in the mix) and sytyc, the projects gracing our craft tables that we can show you are a little sparse. I'm assuming y'all have different seasons where you have more (or less) time to be creative, too, right? Anyhow, this is what we've been up to:
A sweet circle skirt for Piper Jane using the tutorial at MADE... I think I might make a whole rainbow of these!
Preparations for stocking our etsy shop before the holidays. I am SO excited at how this year's cards have turned out so far, y'all!
A crib sheet and some nursery decor for Piper Jane's room... it's coming along, slowly but surely.
And y'all will love this- on Tuesday I spent half an hour at an art gallery "Crafting with Grown-ups" (as my husband likes to say) as part of a local marketing firm's brainstorming day. We made fabric covered thumbtacks and magnets for a little DIY fun. SO fabulous- I keep trying to figure out how I can Craft with Grown-ups more often!


  1. You crafted with grownups at Space Gallery??

  2. Everything here = adorable! LOOOVVE the new stuff for your shop!

  3. kimiko, yep, they had their brainstorming day at the space gallery. so fun, right?

  4. Think I just got a sneak peek at some of my winnings! Now I'm SO excited!

  5. Love everything you showed in this post! : ) That skirt is too cute! I love making skirts (probably because it is one of the 2 things I can sew! : ) Anyway, I totally feel ya on not having found your craft groove with Piper Jane in the mix. I haven't found mine yet with Mia Grace in the mix! I just can't figure it out. I fit it in whenever I can but have such a hard time leaving things unfinished. It's an adjustment period that is for sure but definitely wouldn't want it any other way! : )

  6. I think it is pretty amazing that you are doing all you are doing.

  7. love love LOVE the new cards soon to be stocking your shop!

  8. Love the sneak peek into Piper's room....The wood looking piece at the top of that collage is super cute!!!


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