
our world this week: pumpkin love

 I just love the pumpkins everywhere! This week we have made pumpkin cookies and pumpkin soup, the girls got to pick out pumpkins at a pumpkin patch and tomorrow we are carving pumpkins!

On a different, but photography related note- I am now booking sessions for a short trip to Denver December 3-6! (If you are in Colorado Springs, we might be able to work something out too!) 

If you are interested in a family photo session check out jordanremke photography 
and send me and e-mail:

Be sure to check out the Christmas special- you don't want to miss it! 


  1. Oh girls! Much pumpkin love to you too! I've tried to get my daughter into pumpkin love, but both years i've taken her to the pumpkin patch, shes cried and cried! I posted a couple of pics on my blog...I'm just worried that the pumpkin love may not carry on to the next generation! :)

  2. Wish I lived there. I am such a pumpkin fan too. They just make me happy. I keep pointing them out to my little boy where ever we go.


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