
cause we're a big deal

I feel like Saturdays are a 'catch up' day around here...a day for sharing what we've been up to (minus the tutorials) and showing you our 'normal' lives, a place to celebrate when we have good news, a chance to hear your -INGs and what you've been up to... I love Saturdays!

Anyhow, a few highlights for this week:
1- Our tea wreath was featured on Apartment Therapy this week. Yep, we're big time y'all.

2- Some baby goodness-
a Future Gryffendor onesie for our Harry Potter fiend sis (well, I guess it's for Easton, but really it's for his mama)
the frappin' amazing playbooks Keje made for our kids (as a side note, she always says she's not crafty... just not true! maybe we could convince her to join the kojo blog team and be kojoko :)
matchy-matchy cousins (can't wait until it's the whole matchy matchy crew at Christmas)
Piper Jane's birth announcements (Jordi's design, of course!)... we just got them and LO-OVE them!

How about you? Anything fun going on in your corner of the world?


  1. Congrats on the feature! That is so funny...because I am making one as a card wreath this week! I will post it sometime next week. I have been wanting to make one for my Christmas cards forever.


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