
gifts for guys round up

We loved seeing all your guy-related ideas during last week's Friday Fun Find party... a small sampling of the goodness:
1- CD/game holder- Crafty NH Mom
2- Rootbeer Sampler- Sugar Bee Craft Edition
3- Matchbox car holder- Pickup Some Creativity
4- T-shirt quilt- Blessings Overflowing
5- Felt car mat- A girl and a glue gun
6- Play kitchen- The T-shirt Diaries

Grab a button if we featured you!

And of course, the internet has all sorts of Gifts for Guys ideas. We rounded up a few for you-
1-I Am Momma- Hear Me Roar
2-Purl Bee
3-Happy Together

1-The Cottage Home
2-Eighteenth Century Agrarian Business
3-The Small Object
5- The Rambling Nerd 

Gear Covers
1- Smashed Peas and Carrots 
2- A Pretty Cool Life 
3-Oh Fransson! on Sew Mama Sew

Edible Goodness
1- Domestifluff
2-Under the Table and Dreaming
3- The Kitchn
5- Martha Stewart

1-halligan on design*sponge
2-Mollie on design*sponge
3-Curbly on design*sponge

If you have other ideas, never fear! Next Friday we'll do another Gifts for Guys linky where you can share in the goodness!

Also, if you've put together a shirt from jess' tutorial, a boyscout patch tshirt, a hanging tent, an ipod shuffle band from delia's tutorial, jars from cheri's tutorial, a dopp kit using lindsay's tutorial or a no-sew bow tie from macey's tutorial, be sure to share your pictures with us! Either email them to us-, or link up to our flickr pool.


  1. so many great and fabulous ideas. I love that you did a series on guy ideas. They always seem the hardest for me to come up with.

  2. So wonderful! Thanks for the ideas- men are so difficult to craft for!

  3. So many great ideas, ladies. Thanks for this fun series. I'm thankful you included the matchbox car garage. It's been a big hit in our family.

  4. Thanks for featuring the Rootbeer Sampler - it was a hit here! And so many good guy ideas - they're the hardest to buy for!!


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