
thankful for the little things

Besides the 'big' things we're thankful for (our more than-we-could've-asked for husbands, our amazing families, the Lord's extravagant provision for our needs and loving communities of friends), we made lists of some little things we're thankful for today.

Jord- stuffing, OPI nail polish, the smell of 'clean,' how loved my girls are by their grandparents, getting to experience crisp, cool fall weather several times this year already, my new boots
Kirst- cranberries, my new sweater from the sale rack at Anthro, diet coke with vanilla from Sonic, nice sheets, an unseasonably warm fall, Ikea (we don't have one in Denver, and Jordi and I got to take a little field trip to the one in Dallas yesterday... the good news is that I found all sorts of fabulousness, the bad news is that I spent three times my budget), the friends (like you!) that I've made through the kojo blog!

What are the 'little things' that you're thankful for this Thanksgiving?


  1. Love your lists! And they are working on the IKEA in Denver right now! It will be done Fall 2011! (not that I've been counting down, or anything)

  2. I'm thankful for running, for watching my kids' faces light up when Santa arrived at the parade & having a roof and Thanksgiving meal to offer to a fellow airman who can't make it home today.

  3. I have to agree with the comment about how loved your kids are by their grandparents. I know my kids are very loved by their grandparents, I and I feel so blessed when I see them doting on my children. I feel lucky that my kids have such wonderful grandparents, and plus, it's nice to relax and let someone else give my kids their undivided attention instead of me for a few moments.


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