
vote for annalea's room

Our sweet friend Annalea (from the blog Our Hartbeat) and her family have made it into the finals in a color contest at Apartment Therapy. We'd LOVE to see them win the trip to New York, so if you have a chance, head on over and vote for "Annalea's Keep on the Sunny Side" Room (isn't it fabulous, by the way?).

ps- She was the brains behind the antho-inspired refashions a couple months ago...


  1. Love love love the color! I just voted. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

  2. Isn't this great!! Right now she is ahead by one vote! (which is really cool cause I just voted...)

    And I will shamelessly plug her etsy shop! I bought one of her flower pins and it is so cool! In fact so much so that my SONS even like it. That in itself says something as we are talking pre-teen and teen boys here!

  3. thanks so much you sweet girls!

    (and thanks for all the votes!)

  4. It is wonderful!I love the colors!I wish it was my room!

  5. I'm going to vote! I love her Thankful banner :)

  6. I had to vote - her home is gorgeous! And I am so inspired by that Thankful banner, I think we need one this week. Good luck Annalea!

    Off to check out her etsy shop...


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