
keeping it random!

This is going to sound silly, but I'm going to say it anyway. I have all of these parts of my week that I want to share with you guys that don't exactly make a blog post.

Like the funny thing I learned while I was running, or my indecisiveness in the finishing touches for Piper Jane's room, or Jordi's latest moving news, or the total craft fails that happen regularly around here, or even the behind-the-scenes projects that always seem to be in the works.

And since Jord and I get to run the show around here (let's be honest, it's the only place that we have any measure of control), we decided to do something about it! So every once in awhile, probably on the weekends (but we're not committing to anything scheduled or concrete), we'll get y'all caught up on the random, jumbled pieces of real life.

A Keeping It Random List for this week:
T minus three weeks until the Denver Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon that my mama and I are training for (the pic is from the same one a couple years ago). That means lots of running right now. I love it. Though, every single time I am lacing up my running shoes, it sounds like a bad idea to me.

Starting Monday, we're teaming up with Jamie from C.R.A.F.T. for a Pretty Parties mini-series! We have some fabulous guests lined up (think Jenny from Hank and Hunt, Tiffany from Lemontree Creations, Elizabeth from Bump Smitten and Brittany from One Charming Party!), a whole bevy of tutorials to share, and some gorgeous party inspiration from around the internet!

Jord (and her fam) have their Moving Overseas Tickets. I'm simultaneously thrilled for them and crushed for the impending distance between us.

My sister-in-law (the ever lovely and oh-so-witty Tricia) and I are making plans to start a drink blog called Sips Etc. We both lo-ove drinks, maybe even as much as food, actually (especially if there's Diet Coke involved). If you have drink recipes we should try (with or without alcohol, we'll be featuring both), send 'em our way! Any other liquid lovers out there?

This announcement is going to make many people (as well as our email inbox) very happy. Jordi is currently remaking the Ready to Pop Shower signage and graphics (they were formerly lost in the abyss of Photoshop)! Apparently "pop" graphics are difficult to find in this world. And lots of people love the Ready to Pop theme. So there you have it, friends. The Ready to Pop digital files will soon be available at the kojodesigns etsy shop in three colorways- pink and gray, blue and brown, and yellow and gray. Fun, right?

Speaking of digital files (and an inbox full of emails, actually), we are making the digital files of the Alpha-Travel Flash Cards available at the etsy shop as well. If you aren't into printing your own flash cards, there are Travelbaby prints available too. While we're chatting about the Travel Flash Cards, you guys and your kind words and sweet emails have been fantastic. Y'all are so encouraging!

Any random bits of your week to share? Have you been running? Making (or remaking) digital files? Buying plane tickets? Making blog plans? Hostessing pretty parties? We'd love to hear it!
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  1. Woo-hoo!! Random posts are AWESOME. This is right down my totally random alley!

  2. Lots of fun stuff, the ready to pop stuff looks cute! I'm working on a baby shower, so I know how that goes. So cute though!


  3. Love this cute post! Those flashcards are awesome too. Best of luck with the big move!

  4. i didn't know it was the rock n' roll marathon! how fun! i've always wanted to do one of those...i've run a couple 1/2's...did i tell you that?? and plane tickets, but u'haul reservation...yes! and i just hosted a fun party, but you already know about that. i love random :)

  5. What your sister is moving, good luck! So love the random post, you ask about our random stuff. Finally we started to repurpose a vintage door, and hello it rains (not much) haha. Planning our housewarming party for November:)

    Have a good one!

  6. Yes, running (except for lately because I tried to fit shoes about 2 sizes too small and they gave me terrible blisters... Der). But I'm also training for the Denver R&R 1/2. I ran the Seattle R&R full this year so I feel pretty lacadaisical about training for this one and I'm quite sure it's going to bite me in the rear. Hard.

  7. You ladies are so fun. Honestly, I just love reading your blog.


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