
GFG guest- sewing in no man's land

Not only is today's guest a wildly talented sewist (she sews for her kids and for herself... and throws in 'extra' projects like this tent and decor as well!), she is also encouraging and sweet, has great taste, and takes amazing pictures! A few other things I've loved at No Man's Land? The Twelve Days of Christmas series from last year and every single thing she made for Project Run and Play. Kelly is one talented lady!

And she's here to share some of that talent with us today for Gifts for Guys. Lucky us!

Hello friends! Kelly here from Sewing In No Mans Land :) I am so excited to be guest posting here at kojodesigns today !! These ladies are amazing (and have been so patient as I worked through
some LAME computer and timing issues).

Of course I turned to my husband to ask for some suggestions on what to make. We originally kicked around the idea of an IPAD cover but I wanted to do a tutorial that would appeal to non-sewers as well. We started unpacking during this time and I had no where to put his hats, ties and belts. I didn't like the idea of shoving them in a drawer and then suddenly "lightbulb" (think gru on Despicable Me).

What is fantastic about this is how TOTALLY easy and versatile it is! You can make it in four easy steps and pretty cheaply. I bought everything at hobby lobby for under 8 dollars.
1. Materials List:
Piece of paintable/stainable wood in what ever shape and length you like (this actually has more pegs then you can see in the above picture. If your hubby has LOTS of ties grab a longerpiece of wood and more little wooden pegs).
Little wooden pegs.
At least two hanging grips.
Optional: decorative wodden scrolls for edge and hooks.

2. ****If you decide to have decorative scrolls glue them on using some strong glue previous to this step*** Paint your board your selected color. My paint was supposed to be glaze but it turned out pretty flat. I would HIGHLY suggest doing a paint with a glaze so that the surface is more wipe-able. At the same time paint your wooden pegs your selected color.

3. Flip over your board and attach your hanging grips.

4. Attach your pegs and hooks in your selected method. I used the wood glue to attach my pegs, but you could also use little screws.
There you have it!! You can also and hats but at the particular moment in time I have no idea where any of the hubbys hats are ha!! This is hung next to the closet door but if it ends up being too cluttered it will make its way into the closet wall
Thanks so much ladies for letting me stop by- I hope you hop on over to Sewing In No Mans Land!
I hope you have a fantastic holiday season.
Cheers! Kelly

Be sure to stop by Sewing in No Man's Land to check out the loveliness!
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