
2011 inspiration board

In another life- one minus the babies and dental school- Adam and I entirely renovated a hundred year old house. We tiled and completely remodeled the kitchen and several bathrooms and refinished (original) wood flooring and painted more walls than I care to remember.

I still have a door that we pulled out of that house and occasionally use it as a backdrop for party favors (or cocktails and mocktails ballots).
I love our history with this door. And I love. love. LOVE what it has become- a door-turned-inspiration board that now resides in my craft room.

Seriously, I've never been so excited to find things to "Make," and "See," and "Write."

And I love having magnets and clips (and the round inspiration boards!) for all of my clippings and never-ending lists.
And Burke LOVES having his own special spot on the board- two whole panels of chalkboard space and his own blue clip for showcasing his 'artwork.'
We're just ten days in, but I am loving 2011.


  1. now that is cute! i love it! yeah, we are restoring a 1870's farm house, while living in it with 3 little ones and with a husband taking classes part-time to get is masters:) thank goodness for crafting and blogging!! maybe someday i can have a craftroom. i sure do have lots of old doors i could use:)

  2. We too renovated a 100+ year old house long ago - - such character in those!

  3. That door is on my "adore" list. I want it. May need to make my own version. Thanks for sharing!

  4. love love love this idea. i have lots of old doors and windows in our garage, from our remodel...i've been trying to figure out what to do with them. this is a great idea!


  5. Super cute! We have an old bathroom with a seen-better-days door that I love. I hope this can be it's next reincarnation. Could you post pictures of using the door for party favors and other previous incarnations? Also, dumb question, but how did you attach the circle pin-board to the door? Thanks!

  6. hey gals! i featured you on my blog!!!! also i think i may make this door business... i have several old doors just laying around!!!!!

  7. What a great way to make the memories live on. Love it.

  8. I love this!!! :) You have such great ideas!!

  9. Sorry for the dumb questions yesterday... so much for blogging while home sick from work. :( I'm still a little head did you attach the round inspiration boards to the door? Thanks much.

  10. Clever and easy! Hot glue gun is your best friend for these projects I can tell!

  11. Love the colors and putting your inspiration front and center. That's the way to make things happen!


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