
kojotutorial: spring countdown ribbon chain

I know many of you would rather stay snuggled by a fire with snow on the ground year 'round (Jord is in this camp, actually!). You don't have to read the rest of this post.
For those of you who (like me) begin longing for sundresses and sprinklers and popsicles around, oh, December 26th, this post is for you.
Earlier this week, Burke and I made a ribbon chain counting down the days until the First Day of Spring (it's 70 days from January 10th, just so you know).
We pulled out boxes of ribbon and snipped 8-inch-ish pieces (Burke chose the ribbon, I did the snipping)...
...then we hot glued the first length ribbon into a loop...
 ...and kept adding loops...
...and adding loops until we had a 70 piece chain of ribbons (in case you're wondering how my two-and-a-half-year old was involved- he handed the ribbons to me one at a time to hot glue into a chain).

We tried to put the more 'snowy' ribbons (white ribbons or ones with snowflakes on them) near the beginning of the chain and the more 'flowery' ribbons (and the brighter colors) near the end of the chain to represent moving away from the snowy winter and into spring.
Our big plan is to snip off a ribbon a day as a Spring Countdown.
Cheers to a tangible way to see that spring is, indeed, coming- even if you're looking out your window into a snowy backyard like I am.


  1. Looks like a fun project. I wonder if there is a way to do it so you could have it again for next year. Or if there was something you could do with the ribbon once you cut it off so it didn't get thrown away?

  2. Love this! I don't think my 18 month old would ever understand it but I think I might do it just for my peace of mind!

  3. So fun! Great project to do with your little man :)

  4. I LOVE this idea. I am so with you on wishing for spring the day after Christmas. I only like winter in December and the I am SO ready for it to be over. I am staring at several inches of snow right now and am not excited about it! : ) The chain is adorable and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that pinwheel pillow!

  5. What a fun idea to look forward to Spring. I love all the bright colors.

  6. The colors are so pretty. I would just love having one of those in my house!

  7. What a fun idea! And a great way to use up any scrap trim or ribbon!! My daughter is just BEGGING for Spring....maybe a countdown is in order:)

  8. I pinned this to my Pinterest account. I will definitely refer back to this next year when my oldest is a little older to understand more and help out.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. How fun!! I have some girls that would really love this one.

  10. I love this idea too! I teach kindergarten and that would be so fun to add into our calendar routine! I would definitely add velcro maybe so we could reuse it for a few years! I love the different ribbons all in there together. I can't wait til spring either. whew.

  11. I love the idea of a spring countdown! I don't have so many ribbons myself though, but there must be other ways to do this :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Gave you a blog award since you're one of my very favorites!! Come check it out!

  13. That is such a cute idea and so fun! What a great project to do with the little ones. And I'm with you by the way. No snow angels or snowman for me. Sun, long days and warmth. 66 days to go (or sooner please). ;)


  14. What a GENIUS project! Oh. My. Word! SO smart! And SO darling!
    You should come link this up to my weekly Thursday through Sunday Making It With Allie Link Party! I think it would make a Fabulous addition!

  15. So I've seen you at Be Different...Act Normal and Tatertots and Jello this morning and had to swing over and check you ladies out.

    What a fabulous blog you have!!!!!! What great ideas, you've inspired me FOR SURE so I'm officially your newest follower : )


  16. That is so cool! It must take a while to collect that much ribbon!


  17. It wouldn't be hard, it would just take a bit more time, to make the chains reuseable by adding velcro to each of them. Then, instead of cutting the chains off, you just open the velcro, & you can use it again next year, or for a birthday countdown or something. Very cute idea though!

  18. Thank you for this post! I blogged about it today! a Friend of mine just said good-bye to her husband who left for overseas…we are going to make a countdown ribbon chain to show the kids how long it will be till their daddy is home!!


  19. ok gonna do this one too! now to talk hubby into going to Hobby Lobby today....


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