
Day 4- Make Something- Anything!

If you're going to join us for any day of the I Heart New Year's Challenge, Day 4 should be it! Make Something? Yes please!

My contributions for today:
"Cling Tightly and Let Go" banner for the craft room (it's my motto for 2011, a reminder to prioritize things that matter and not worry as much about everything else)... I LOVE annalea's colorful paper banners and have been wanting to make one for the craft room for awhile now. Oh how I love moving things from my "to-make" list to my "finished" list!
I've also been working on an inspiration board/calendar/large scale to do list for the craft room, but it isn't quite done yet (though, aren't the round inspiration boards lovely in a row like that?). I'll show you the finished product when it's done!

What are you working on today? Don't forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a lovely 2011 planner!


  1. i love your motto for the year! i will have to remember that :) cute banner!

  2. I love it!!! Great motto for 2011 too :) Today I'm busting out my staple gun for the first time and trying to reupholster a little ottoman for our entryway. Wish me luck!

  3. That is a great motto for the year! I love the inspiration boards! Oh so cute!

  4. LOVE THIS!!! I posted on my blog!

  5. What a great motto! Today my college daughter and I are making her some pj pants before she leaves for back to school.

  6. I'm new to your blog and absolutely in love!! Thanks for all the inspiration.

    I made something for the New Year: A king size bed!! (just posted it on my blog today!)

  7. I adore your motto as well. Today I'm decoupaging a mat to frame a lovely picture for my girls' room.

  8. You have won the stlish blogger award.

    check it out

  9. Your door message board really looks pretty! I can't wait to see the whole thing.

    I love that you are doing this organizational week. It has inspired me to get organized.

  10. love the motto - i'm hoping to make an A-Z banner for the kid's playroom but am having a hard time finding a font i like; where did you find the fun font for your motto?


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