
i heart new year's challenge day 5

I have to tell you, it is so fun to read about your scrubbing and organizing and creating as part of the I Heart New Year's Challenge. SO FUN!

I also have to tell you, I've really been looking forward to Day 5. I love having the chance to daydream about 2011 and what it might hold for our little family. Tomorrow, I'll cross off and narrow and whittle down to the things I think are actually achievable in 2011 given my time and resources, but today is for no hold's barred daydreaming.
My motto-of-the-year is at the top of my daydreaming list, as a reminder of what I'm going for this year.

And here's some reading that might be helpful as you dream (it'll be more helpful for when you make an actual plan tomorrow, but good to keep in mind today as well!).

One Little Change at our hartbeat-
I completely agree with Annalea's assessment that taking on too much all at once does not result in sustained change. I love her idea for attempting 'one little change' at a time and letting it actually take.
One Year to a More Organized Life at Unsolicited Advice-
I can relate to the life-is-crazy-how-did-we-get-here? phenomenon. I especially love it that Week 1 of this challenge is all about determining why your life needs organization. A bunch of goals without a unified purpose are not only less cohesive, they are less likely to work together.
3 in 30 at The Tuckers Take Tennessee and AP Freewriting 101-
The idea is to make three realistic goals a month for 2010, again, with the goal of sustained change in mind.

What are you thinking about today as you daydream about 2011?


  1. What am I thinking you ask...well we hope to get prego with our first child...create a blog...and get organized (it's on my list every year) top my list.


  2. Just came across your blog. Love your studio!! I'm still in mourning as my studio got flooded 3 months ago and still hasn't dried out. Looking at your studio inspirations and photos makes me so happy!
    I can't wait to get started again.
    Love love LOVE the round cork board idea. That's fantastic. :D

  3. Daydreaming about 2011 for me: Dreams of a seamless move this month with no freak outs or meltdowns; dreams of being able to knit like a pro by the end of the year and making beautiful sweaters and dresses and scarves and mittens and hats...; also dreams of completely organized and beautified sewing/crafting space. The list goes on...

  4. Dreaming for 2011 - more quilting and an organized stash of fabrics! More reading and handmade gifts. thanks for the great ideas from 2010!


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