
friday fun finds

Tons of fabulousness again last week!
 Learn how to make snow ice cream at annalea hart (we're totally trying this next time it snows!).
Love this dot pillow by gwenny penny.
I need one of these heart wreaths by Sarah Jane Sews.
This anthro inspired necklace at Social Salutations is to die for.
I see a twirly ballerina skirt like this one at It's Sew For You in Piper Jane's future.
 Love the shoe re-do at Eye Spy DIY!

Here's your featured button, crafty guru's-

What have you been up to? We can't wait to see your latest and greatest craftiness- something you made, a tutorial you put together (or tried out!), a product the rest of us need, a scrumptious recipe- whatever you're loving this week! 

A few guidelines:

1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from your blog.


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Valentine's dot pillow!

  2. Thanks for hosting. Can't wait to check out all the fun projects.

  3. I love that pillow. Thanks for hosting again.

  4. Thank you for the linky. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog. Wishing you happiness and a fabulous weekend.Hugs, Katherine

  5. Thank you, thank you for featuring my Anthro Inspired Necklace!! I love your blog - what a great surprise!

    - Jennifer

  6. Thank you for featuring my Anthro Inspired Necklace! I love your blog - what a great surprise!!

    - Jennifer

  7. Thanks for featuring my heart wreath! It made my day. :)


We LOVE hearing from you- thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

If you are asking a question, PLEASE be sure your e-mail is either in your comment or linked to your profile so we can get back to you!