
my little ray of sunshine- project run and play week 3

Can I tell you something? This week's Project Run and Play challenge- making pint-sized knock-offs of popular adult fashions- was bad news for me. Not bad news because I couldn't find anything to recreate, bad news because once I started, I couldn't stop! Want to see my inspiration?
And my knockoffs?
A teeny-tiny Anthropologie Sun Shades dress for Piper Jane...

...the miniature version of Banana Republic's Peplum Cardigan...

...and the kojodesigns edition of Anthropologie's Beaming Featherfew Pin.

I loved everything about this challenge (well, besides the to-do list it's created- I may or may not now have a whole idea file of knock-offs to make at a later date).
Ooooh, and want to know a secret? The dress's fluffy petticoat layer is removable so it can be paired with this sunny, stripe-y goodness or any of the other dresses in Piper Jane's closet. Lovely!


  1. voted for you of course! (twice) love all the accessories and lovely dress, cardigan, and baby!

  2. I saw the project run and play post first in my feedreader... I voted for ya, oh man, I just LOVE the outfit! SO cute! it's really hard to pick a fav every week but I think this week was definitely my easiest pick! LOVE it!

  3. All of the pieces are just darling! What a little beauty!

  4. This morning I will need to repent of jealousy. You are too talented for words.
    That dress is absolutely gorgeous and she is so dang cute! Beautiful work!

  5. Totally loved it! You girls rock! I can't wait for the tutorial on this one!

  6. popped over from my google reader... checked out the other projects and I was less than impressed by your competition this week... your dress was clearly the 'winner' ... I also like Jess's Anthro nock off (she was eliminated 1st week - but is still posting)

    good luck - I know it is kind of a popularity contest more than anything else :(

    and you got an adorable dress out of it!

  7. Oh, this is gorgeous, and the photos of little Piper Jane are so adorable!
    I voted for her, of course. Good luck.

  8. you guys! It's adorable! And Piper Jane really does look so grown up!

  9. LOVE your entry this week. How smart to use a onesie to make a cardigan! I am definitely going to do that for ruby.

  10. As soon as I saw this dress I was in love!!! This is the most cheerful dress I've seen. I cannot wait for the tutorial. My little girl NEEDS this dress!!!! I adore all the ruffle-y goodness of Who doesn't like ruffles? And the pin....ummm..I think in need to make one in e very color!!!! Of course you were clearly my voting choice by far.

  11. Think ya nailed it this time I am in love wishing I had your talent and this dress for me and my two girls with cardigan also because UT is cold too!

  12. Love this! I love how it looks like sunshine! I so voted for you!

  13. So absolutely beautiful! Both the little one and the dress!

  14. Ok this is just too cute for words! I can't get over that adorable cardigan as well. My goodness it is just so darn adorable!!!! =)

  15. LOVE the dress! it is so cute, I went and voted for you :)

  16. Your little one is definetly a ray of sunshine

  17. Beautiful! I love how it turned out, it's perfect!

  18. Hey, girls! Great job, again. I love yours even better than the anthropologie dress because of the uneven stripes. Piper Jane looks pretty content with it, too! :)

  19. Ga-OR-geous! Good thing God gave you a little girl to dress up. How fun is this?!?!

  20. So Cute!! Voted for u!! Great Job!!

  21. I seen this very dress just a couple of days ago and marked it down as a remake for me but your darling little dress makes me think I might have to make it for dear daughter... :o) So cute!

  22. This is fantastic!!! GREAT JOB on everything!!! And I just had to giggle at the "holding her up" propping you had to do. Reminded me of how I always tried to hold my boys up for pics!

  23. Y'all are doing great with the knock off series....and I just love love yeallow!!! Good luck!


  24. So great!!!!! I voted for you. I am hoping for some tutorials.

  25. So awesome!!!! I voted for you. I am hoping for some tutorials

  26. You did an amazing job and you have a great model too!

  27. I love, love, love that cardigan! I may need to make one for myself!!


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