
i heart new year's challenge- day 6 bucket lists!

True confessions- I had a 25 Before Twenty Five List (sort of like Nicole's 30 Before Thirty List at Making It Lovely). I can't find it or I (might) put it on here.

And on our babymoon in Costa Rica, Adam and I made a "To Do In Life," list. It's kind of funny to make a list like that. Especially when the contents end up ranging from "build a garage" to "adopt." Haha!

I also make a Bucket List of things to do/make every year.

I like to-do lists ok?
This year is no exception. So, of course bucket list making is Day 6 of the I Heart New Year's Challenge. Though, I added a "print out and hang up" caveat this year. And so, here it is- the 2011 edition.

Did you make one too? Leave a comment for a chance to win a fabulous 2011 planner.


  1. Oh my! Now that is a great idea! I love how you made it into art which I would think would be way better then a list that ends up in a drawer! Cleverness!

  2. Love it! Sew from a pattern is on mine too, lol

  3. I love your artsy bucket list! This will be on my bucket list to do today! I do a "things I want to make for gifts list" - yours is definitly more fun! Thanks.

  4. Not only do I love the idea of making a bucket list for 2011, I love the garland that is hanging above it!

    I've been inspired to check off [of my bucket list] making a craft that I've seen here & love -- I'm currently finishing up the snow ruffle pillow from V & Co & I love it!

  5. These kind of lists intimidate me. I'm very much a 'need to check it off the list' person and the idea of maybe not checking something off freaks me out.

  6. hello and happy new year from hong kong! i've been following your blog for a while!

    your list is beautiful and i want to make one too! :)

  7. I seriously Love that. You ladies are amazing. You know that right?

  8. I LOVE this idea! I want to make one! And I want a planner! :)
    ThankfullyThrifty at gmail dot com

  9. I featured this over at Today's Top 20! I'd love if you stopped by!

    P.S. I'm giving away fabric to celebrate 100 followers! hooray! :)

  10. this is a brilliant idea! thanks for the inspiration :)


  11. I LOVE your list! It's awesome. I loved it so much I made one of my's posted here:
    Thanks for the inspiration!


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